Question - Estrogen..

Yeah, I would not really worry about it occuring unless you do a cycle and look-you too young to train here man!-Fight Club, thank you. But no, you don't need a cycle now. So the estrogen in your body unless you have a naturally occuring medical condition in which case you would probobly know about is called aromatazation. This is the conversion of a estrogen like substance into estrogen. You see testosterone and estrogen being both made from the natural functions of the human body have a very close structure. So when steriods are introduced or testosterone in a genetic form the body does not always have an exact match to this based on its genetic code. The body will process this as testosterone but because it is foreign there can be a by produce occuring in which some of this is converted by the body into estrogen. The harsher or usually more effective the anabolic substance usually the more likely the risk of this side effect is going to occur. Some steriods dont convert at all based on their genetic structure and some almost always do. So what does this conversion mean. Well, mostly it would result in a neusence by producing gynoclamastia or bitch tits. That is fat deposts in your pecks that would make them look perky like bananna titties! And being a glamour thing to take steriods this would not be the desired effect. And it could be quite hard to get rid of-not some shit you could crash diet or run off on the tred mill. So like I said you dont have to worry but for those that dabble in the roids it is good to look into a perticular grade and see how easily it can convert into testosterone. A drug can be added to stop the conversion but this can lead to more expense invested into your cycle and slightly lesser gains but it is almost always worth it. Some of these conditions like I said can occur naturally in which you would have to see a doctor anyway.
estrogen helps keep a healthy lipid profile, it also allows males to have a libido, very inportant as well it keeps males from having problems with Osteoporosis.

Too much or too little estrogen would cause the reverse of some of those things Iwrote but also gyno, inlarge prostate, osteoporosis, unhealth lipid profile are all sides that I know of..... there are probably maore.