Questions about T3


New member

1. Does anyone experience tiredness/lethargy while taking T3? Can this compound make it even in 50mcg dose?
2. Does anyone take it year round without HGH? What is dosage? :)

#1 not from my experience

#2 if you're running t3 for long periods it is usually when you're on tren. Tren drops your t3 and a lot of guys run it along side tren for the entire cycle.

I've ran tren a lot and have never had issues with my t3 but I know guys who have even on short cycles of tren. If you know you have lower t3 levels you may consider it but if you don't I wouldn't. Tren alone is bad enough and t3 for long periods will mess with you so you're pretty much rolling the dice if your t3 dose covers what you drop from your tren cycle.
Ive taken t3 for low thyroid, ive ramped it up its never done anything for fat loss, carbs must be cut with total calories t3 leave it alone it does nothing to get you ripped, you want to be ripped cut calories do cardio
t3 works great to help cut up, the above post was using it already for a low thyroid, big difference!
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1. Does anyone experience tiredness/lethargy while taking T3? Can this compound make it even in 50mcg dose?
2. Does anyone take it year round without HGH? What is dosage? :)

#1 you shouldn't but that depends on what your natural level is. I had my thyroid killed a few years ago because it was overactive and I take 200mcg daily to maintain normal levels. so 50mcg is a pretty low dose.
#2 no idea. PMSL :)