quick ab pics


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
In a week or two I will be working with Alex Azarian for at least 6 months. We will be trying to bring my weight up and stay in the current condition im at now. Im at about 186 in these pics, and have been on a 250mg dose every 14 days for about 6 weeks now, and ready to start up everything again. Looking to be around 210 or more but that might be pushing it
250mg dose of what? Just wondering what you can take every other week. BTW, looking pretty diced up, bro. Good work.
enanthate. Ive been skipping doses too..... been busy with life ya know
I hear ya! Well it's working for you. I just started my Sust this week, so hopefully 325-430/wk will give me some good results on top of my two-a-days and diet. I'm doing about 108mg EOD, so some weeks I get it 3 days and some weeks I get it 4 days.
I hear ya! Well it's working for you. I just started my Sust this week, so hopefully 325-430/wk will give me some good results on top of my two-a-days and diet. I'm doing about 108mg EOD, so some weeks I get it 3 days and some weeks I get it 4 days.
thats a hard dose to measure, lol! When I start with Alex im gonna post my supps, which is axio sust too, and Es drol, and d-bol, with brewed EQ. I also have IGF, but dont think I will use it. Ive got this far on my own, which is OK.... but, I never weigh out foods, and miss meals ALL the time due to not being hungry at all. With hiring someone, I really hope to change the looks of my physique A LOT. The idea is to pay the cash, and stick to the diet/workout schedule to the TEE. Even if my weight doesnt move much over 200, I want to just look like Im way over 200 if possible. We will see I guess.....
thats a hard dose to measure, lol! When I start with Alex im gonna post my supps, which is axio sust too, and Es drol, and d-bol, with brewed EQ. I also have IGF, but dont think I will use it. Ive got this far on my own, which is OK.... but, I never weigh out foods, and miss meals ALL the time due to not being hungry at all. With hiring someone, I really hope to change the looks of my physique A LOT. The idea is to pay the cash, and stick to the diet/workout schedule to the TEE. Even if my weight doesnt move much over 200, I want to just look like Im way over 200 if possible. We will see I guess.....
It's "an average" if you will. lol. I pull .35ml, and since it's 325mg/ml, I just got close with the numbers. I figured doing it EOD will keep my levels a little more stable.
You sound like you have your game together, bro. Best of luck and make sure you keep us up to date on progress.
It's "an average" if you will. lol. I pull .35ml, and since it's 325mg/ml, I just got close with the numbers. I figured doing it EOD will keep my levels a little more stable.
You sound like you have your game together, bro. Best of luck and make sure you keep us up to date on progress.
Yeah ive done like .75ml 3x/week too. this is just an idea, but you could do .5ml 3x/week, and that would bring you at roughly 487.50/wk which is not bad either. You using anything else with it?
Yeah ive done like .75ml 3x/week too. this is just an idea, but you could do .5ml 3x/week, and that would bring you at roughly 487.50/wk which is not bad either. You using anything else with it?
Nope. My last cycle was 200 cyp & 200 deca per week. So I figured I'd just bump up the test this time and use sust instead of just cyp. I might get a bottle of decagen300 to throw into the mix.
my girlfriend. She has my name on the back of her neck too

That's a serious committment for a girlfriend, bro! I have my wife's name tattooed on me and she has my initials though so I guess I have no room to speak, lol. :D
That's a serious committment for a girlfriend, bro! I have my wife's name tattooed on me and she has my initials though so I guess I have no room to speak, lol. :D
yeah it is. We have been together for just about 3 years. I like it though, and if we were to ever split, I would keep it anyway
Look awesome man, and hey I love ya so don't take this the wrong way , but I sure hope thats sweat and not baby oil in that last pic on the right hahahaha :)
Nice bro..ripped up !!! Good job on such a low dose of test...shows that it can be done without much gear...Congrats
Nice bro..ripped up !!! Good job on such a low dose of test...shows that it can be done without much gear...Congrats
thanks man! but im not big like all you other dudes on here. Now if iwas sittin at like 215-220 in those pics, id be happier:rolleyes:
but thanks for the comments guys!