quick question


New member
Hay have quick question... for a 22 year old girl wanting to loose 10 or more pounds in a somewhat short time what is a safe cycle look like using t-3 for two weeks and switching to clen or something else? Don't want to mess up thyrod.
I'm not very good with cycle advice for female fitness, but have you considered a ECA stack and some cardio.

QOD ya want take this one?
AR1 said:
Hay have quick question... for a 22 year old girl wanting to loose 10 or more pounds in a somewhat short time what is a safe cycle look like using t-3 for two weeks and switching to clen or something else? Don't want to mess up thyrod.

T-3 is NOT safe to use, especially just to lose 10lbs. i only use it IF I HAVE TO pre-contest.

clen....well, IMHO, clen is the most useless fat burner out there. it has to be cycled and only hits one beta receptor site.

are you dieting? cardio? those are the most important things when trying to lose weight, there is no magic pill to take, it's HARD WORK;)

yohimbine is a great fat burner for women as it targets alpha receptor sites, something women have alot of (i feel like a parrot, or a sales rep for yohimbine, ive been mentioning it so much lately:D ) start with small doses (2 X 5 or 6mgs a day)

and NEVER overlook an ECA stack. still the best fat burner out of all of them IMO. the longer you stay on the more effecient it becomes at burning fat. a good starting dose would be;
8mgs ephedrine
200mgs caffiene
325mgs ASA ( this is optional in a stack, all it does is prolongs the effects of the caffiend and ephedrine)

try this three times a day, you may get a bit shaky at first, but you adapt to the "physical" sides quickly, you DO NOT adapt to the fat burning qualities of an ECA stack.

good luck to you.
I couldnt agree more about the eca and im no fan of thyroid meds either
I wouldnt use the T-3 either, sure you can shred some pounds fast but you will most likely gain it all back quickly and you run the risk of messing up your thyroid. Hard work and cardio is a better/longer lasting option.