Quitting smoking.


Gold Member
So I woke up yesterday and decided to quit smoking cigarettes. I've been a tobacco user for over 10 years. Anyways, Its been about 24 hours so far and I feel okay. I need to stay strong for a few more days then it should be easy I think. Just need to get into the habit of not smoking. lol.
That's awsome bro! Are you using nicorette or anything like this to help
Good luck bro.. My dad smoked for 30 plus years. And one day he guit cold turkey !!! So you can do this..
Thanks for the encouraging words guys! It is appreciated.

That's awsome bro! Are you using nicorette or anything like this to help

At first no...but I decided to pick up some nicotine lozenges from Target last night just in case. They taste like shit and I ended up spitting it out 1/3rd of the way through it. I cut them into quarters to see if its better. Less nicotine and I don't have to bear the aweful taste/sensation as long.

I only want to use them for a few days max though. Don't want to get hooked on these things too. lol.
Hey bro, I also quit smoking for my New Year's resolution. Something you can pick up to help out is Camel SNUS. If you get the blue tin, it tastes just like a mint and it tastes NOTHING like snuff or tobacco period. I've been good so far, but I've quit several times in the past. My biggest thing is just that I get stressed out and start again
Have any of you tried Chantix? I know a lot of ppl that have been able to quit using this stuff
Have any of you tried Chantix? I know a lot of ppl that have been able to quit using this stuff

I hear it works well, but costs $160. Plus I hear you get very weird dreams, especialy sexual dreams,lol.
I hear it works well, but costs $160. Plus I hear you get very weird dreams, especialy sexual dreams,lol.

Ahh, that kinda sucks...u would think the insurance companies would be happy to pay for it.....
Hey bro, I also quit smoking for my New Year's resolution. Something you can pick up to help out is Camel SNUS. If you get the blue tin, it tastes just like a mint and it tastes NOTHING like snuff or tobacco period. I've been good so far, but I've quit several times in the past. My biggest thing is just that I get stressed out and start again

Yeah, I've tried snus in the past. Its pretty good.

I think I'm just going to cold turkey it though. The biggest problem for me seems that there is "something missing" from my life, but I'll get over it soon enough. The social aspects seems to be the most addictive part of cigarettes not necessarily the nicotine itself.
Yeah, I've tried snus in the past. Its pretty good.

I think I'm just going to cold turkey it though. The biggest problem for me seems that there is "something missing" from my life, but I'll get over it soon enough. The social aspects seems to be the most addictive part of cigarettes not necessarily the nicotine itself.

then ur Golden bro! How much were u smoking per day, HONESTLY!!??
Normally between 1/2 to 1 pack per day. I used to buy 2 packs and it would last me almost 3 days. Not an extremely heavy smoker, but probably about average for most smokers out there.
i get a weird taste from the snus, kinda like its soaked in sugar. not sure. i quit smoking 4 years ago. these days i still use tobacco from time to time. i use a old high school trick to cut weight. start dipping. gross i know but that shit works during a long cut.
Have any of you tried Chantix? I know a lot of ppl that have been able to quit using this stuff

FUCK THAT! My Dad's best friend committed suicide on that shit, it even says that's a side effect...I know everyone is different buy why take the chance?

I have heard that there is a treatment out there where they shoot a laser in your ear and that makes you quit smoking-sounds wierd but it is suppose to have a 75% success rate
FUCK THAT! My Dad's best friend committed suicide on that shit, it even says that's a side effect...I know everyone is different buy why take the chance?

I have heard that there is a treatment out there where they shoot a laser in your ear and that makes you quit smoking-sounds wierd but it is suppose to have a 75% success rate

i knew their was somehting else about chantix i forgot about, and yes it was suicidal thoughts, yep i heard that alot about it, and nope wouldnt bother trying it
When I was younger if I started smoking again I would always do some kind of heavy cardio. Like running 4 or 5 miles few times a week.
If I kept smoking the running would kill me. I always made me realize how much/bad if affected me. It really helped me.
Have any of you tried Chantix? I know a lot of ppl that have been able to quit using this stuff

It works but you have to make up your mind that you want to quit and stay away from people that do smoke while your using it. I'm lucky my company pays for it and I didn't have any wild dreams. The one thing I did notice on the first day on it was that it made a cigarette taste like shit.