

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
So I was in the middle of replying to someone's pm just now, and realized it would serve better if everyone else could read my response as well. I was about to rant about getting back into shape:
"Eh, I look alright. It's just shitty seeing dudes in this new gym who think they're hot shit (no modesty, walking around all blown up, slamming weights around), and not having the physique to shut em up anymore. Ugh it's annoying! Thank god I still have enough to put em in their place strength wise. For instance, I walked into the gym on Wednesday to do back and as soon as I walk in there's this dude staring me and a few others down everytime he's done with a set. He's doing back too, so I was sure the stares were only gonna get worse. As I'm going through my workout I here him fuckin yelling, huffing and puffing, and slamming/dropping weights. I look around and you could see the rest of the people getting just as annoyed. He walks over and starts on his one arm rows and it sounds like someone is getting laid in the gym. We only have up to the 125 (for some reason, anything over 100 only has a single dumbbell) and he's squeezing out about 5, so he's doing nothing impressive. I say fuck it, and decide to do em with him. I ask him (very courteously) if I could work in and he lets out a heavy sigh and says, "yeah, whatever." What a fuckin prick! So I rep out 15 just to be a dick, then criss-cross a 35 on there and get out 6 on the next set. All of the sudden, this dudes demeanor changes and he wants to act like we're cool. I ended up being civil to the guy, but all I could think about is how much of a douche this guy was being a few minutes ago. Nonetheless, he had a bit more modesty for the remainder of his workout. I guess I'm just rambling here, but I hope some of you guys could relate. I'm using this as fuckin motivation, cuz I can't wait til I'm back to where I was in my avatar :bench: Off to do some cardio, deuces!
that type of shit has been very motivational to me over the past few years
The gym I used to work out in had some guys who competed in Natural shows and it was a group of four guys. One of them was a cool guy. The rest were pricks. One guy posed at least an hour and worked out at the most 15 minutes. I nicknamed him flex. The others loved to critique people and point out all the wrong things they were doing. It got to the point that I would move to the second floor when they came in.
I hate ppl who are like that! there is some fat ass power lifter at my gym that sounds just like this guy... way to put him in his place without stooping to his level bro!
Every gyms got their tools man. We have no shortage where I train...I just chuckle at them and wear headphones so I dont have to hear them...little dudes with ILS...dudes with 40% bodyfat who give "bodybuilding" advice...the list goes on...
im more passive aggressive. i would have crop dusted him with a protein bomb and let him bask in it.
im more passive aggressive. i would have crop dusted him with a protein bomb and let him bask in it.

lmao u nasty fuck! And I guess you wouldnt give a fuck about the collateral damage your protien bomb caused in the gym,lol. Or do you have special heat seekers that hit their target with minimal collateral damge,lol

either way ur a sick fuck
i have to deal with these new gear heads at the bar. Fing running around with there chests puffed out, eye fucking everyone.

I like the fart idea... although... not sure if i can muster that much gas during a night
every war has collateral damage. besides, its usually just some skinny punkass who is brown nosing the swole dude anyways. they are guilty by association.
When you posted this the very next day I ended up losing my temper worse than. I can ever remember. I was just finished up with the incline Hammer and this fuck wearing those goofy aqua shoes shaped like feet sticks his nuts in my face as I'm bent over picking up my bag. I couldn't help it. I jumped up and said "what the fuck asshole, are you in that big of a hurry??". "Are you fucking retarded or just a fucking dipshit??". If he would've replied I probably would've broken his jaw. I couldn't believe it.... I mean fuck... my arms were bigger than this guys legs!!
This happens to me often, though it manifests in different ways. For example, I'll be a complete asshole to someone and they'll respond by being really calm and nice. Nothing makes me feel worst than being a prick and having someone turn around and react completely sympathetic or super nice. I'm sure the guy was very humbled and felt like a dick head; probably felt pretty damn guilty!

You get more flys with honey than vinager