REAL food vs Supplements


New member
I tend to get most of my proteins, carbs, fats from Protein shakes and the like. I don't have alot of time to eat MEALS, so I scarf down a bar or shake. My REAL food meals only occur at 12:00 - 3:30 - 6:30. Would I be better off eating more actual food? Or am I fine eating supplements all day long like I am?
I always try to get the majority of my intake from Whole foods, You need to try it both ways and see what works for you.
If your getting 3 real food meals a day, your probably ok. Maybe try to work in a 4th food meal.

Try eating more and see if you like it better like BG said. Maybe cook some extra chicken in the morning to take with you.
Yeah I could probably get my lazy ass out of bed a little earlier and eat some real food in the morning. Whole food makes me so full though :(
if u are using supps to supplement some meals...make sure u are definitely taking a multi-vitamin....there are alot of other things that our bodies need that are not in shakes and bars
I live off of shakes at work but I add peanutbutter and oatmeal or yogurt and bannanas or special k and honey so I'm still getting a meal and one shake at work and one on the way
i try to eat mostely real food, because supps are supps...... but cant pass without my shakes everyday :D