Receiving your goods


New member
Hypothetically speaking

I have a close 'friend' who seems a bit worried at the moment.
He ordered some nike shoes from an online source which he was forwarded to by a trusted individual (who has used the source a number of times with no problems). Money was sent to the source for the shoes (which are illegal because they make you jump higher).
The source emailed my friend and said he had received the funds and will be mailing out the shoes on Wed and they should be there by Thursday. So my friend checks his PO box on Thursday - nothing. He checks friday (today) and still, nothing. He emails the source but the source has yet to respond to the emails.

My friends not so worried about losing his $ as he is with legal matters. What are the chances that he can get in trouble if the package was some how intercepted with his receiving name on it. Can he be charged? Remember that the source and my friend live in the same province, so no duties and overnight shipping should be no problem.

Should he be worried or is he just being overly cautious? Is it possible to get charged without actually receiving the goods and only having your name on it?

Hypothetically speaking, I think hes just being too cautious.
As long as he does not order work out shoes through they will not send you your gym shoes at all.
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deca246 said:
As long as he does not order work out shoes through they will not send you your gym shoes at all.

Sorry bro I needed to edit your pot to keep it from being a Source Posting. I know you were just trying to be funny but none the less it's still a source.
i say send another email and wait a little bit longer. Bump what b2s said if your worried just write return to sender on it and leave it on the porch for a few days. prob just something with the source unless like previously stated its a huge order controlled delivery could be in the works just be careful.
I Received My Letter From Customs Today....what Do I Do??? Theres So Much Paper Work There A Sheet That Is The Hold Harmless Release Agreement Do I Sign That?? What Do I Do??? I Dont Care About The Package..
I wouldn't do anything. I think they just destroy it. I did that before (scared the
crap out of me also) and never heard anything again. Just remember that you didn't
order anything - mabey it was a mean joke someone was playing on you because you
dont know anything about it. Just throw the paperwork away because it dosent make
any sense for you to get anything like that. Thats Just what I did. Any other feedback?
throw it away you never got it, it's a buddy of yours playing a joke on you...
get a different mailing address too
deca246 said:
where can I go to make sure someone gets posted as a scam?

Send a pm to any of the mods or site directors, and they will check it out.
btw.. .i got one about a year ago. Best thing to do is nothing.

You need to be more careful now.
I second and third that... send the paper work to your Nikeshoe place to show them you never got your sneakers and you want another pair shipped you... at another addy...

If they wanted to look in your house u would've gotten a knock at the door with 5-8 guys waiting to talk 2 u and then tear your house apart... they typically do not give you a heads up telling you they have your shoes and they are coming to take all your shoes away...

do not respond to the letter as it is an admission of guilt andthere may be a follow up to your action...

Sucks bro, have anotehr pair of shoes resent to another addy, infact have them sent to a friends house long away far away from your current Postal Office... just in case your name, addy and carrier are alerted to watch for packages of any size and weight to your home... better safe then sorry. Trust me