rehab drug


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what do you think is the best drug/supplement to take for a serious injury?

here is the scenerio, I have a friend that ripped a tendon clean off the bone about 5 years ago...the doctor fused an achilles tendon together with the left over tendon and the bone-from a cadaver

here it is 5 years later and she still has lost 50% ROM and has a constant nagging sensation when she walks up and down stairs
I was telling her of the recovery benefits of IGF and HGH...
anyone have any opinions on what would be the best to take?
IGF is excellent in healing injuries such as you describe.
yeah I remember a few post, especially one that Presser had about how the IGF helped speed up the recovery of his leg
what I'm wondering though, is how/if any effect it would have on a 5 year old injury?