Results! 2014 IFBB New York Pro. Men's Open Winner Mamdouh Elssbiay


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Men's Open

1. Mamdouh Elssbiay

2. Juan Morel

3. Jonathan Delarosa

4. Lionel Beyeke

5. Max Charles

Men's 212

1. Aaron Clark

2. Guy Cisternino

3. Baitollah Abbaspour
I think most people knew Big Ramy was going to take the open. He looked his best ever I think. What do you guys think about the 212. ALOT closer I think... Check out the old school vacuum on Baitollah Abbaspour. WOW!
I think most people knew Big Ramy was going to take the open. He looked his best ever I think. What do you guys think about the 212. ALOT closer I think... Check out the old school vacuum on Baitollah Abbaspour. WOW!

i didnt know lol, shit you never know who is going to come in looking like what! Its all relative for that little tiny window!
didnt know lol, shit you never know who is going to come in looking like what! Its all relative for that little tiny window!

Going by prejudging I would have cried fowl liver as glycoman would say if Ramy didn't win this. I mean his tan alone was on a whole other level...

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