reusing needles

LOL !! Yeah I get guys asking me all the time .."Hey bro, you got a few pins I can borrow " LOL !!! Like I would want them back....LOL !!! Really dude, they are 20 dollars a box on the high end..go to the damn site and buy them...If you cant let your wife or girl, know..then get a PO box or something...LOL !!!
I always do my stuff bilaterally and I use the same needle, but its a lazy habit I need to break. Sometimes that second poke feels like a fucking harpoon. I wouldn't use a needle given to me by someone else even if it was sealed.
Needles and syringes are cheap. I just bought 100 syringes, 200 needles and 100 pack of alcohol wipes for $27. No reason to re-use IMHO.
I forgot I was on my last pin once and used the same pin to draw and inject. Horrendous. It felt like I was sticking myself with a nail. Im glad I didn't get an abcess in hindsight.
where are you guys getting a box for $20.00?? Does that include shipping??
i wont even use the same pin i draw with. did it once on accident, talk about uncomfortable its dull after one poke.
I use the same insulin pin once or twice i have to say, as they stay relatively sharp and its only subQ. I would never use the same pin more than once for AAS though, i alway draw with one and stick with a fresh one.