Road to 260

Anarchy is by's their 1MR/Jack3d type pre workout jazzes me up pretty good and I get a good pump

Recellerator is by betancourt nutrition it's an intra/pwo type product.....bcaas, creatine(s), whey, waximaize...etc....I just happened upon a ton of free sample of it

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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk's been getting better for me....a local supplement store is going to give me $150 bucks a month in supps innexchange for wearing their t-shirts when i workout at the local may just be peanuts compared to a lot of guys but it makes the sacrifices lately more legit....I feel almost like I don't deserve it but it definitely motivates me to live up to the potential some think I have....

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The overall? That's awesome...when is the southern states? That's a big tough show...270 at 5'9...cripes...u do any cardio right now? That's gotta be rough to move around at that weight...Which isn't a bad problem
For bodybuilding
$150 a month for wearing a shirt?! That's awesome! I get a nice discount, but nothing for free. Southern States is July 8th and 9th. A friend of mine is helping me with my prep. He won the show a few years back on the way to his pro card. When I look in the mirror I don't see the potential and told him I was thinking of doing another show, but he insisted I'll do well. He's also helping me as finances are a little tight right now. He gave me 5mg of IGF and said he'll continue to help as long as I do the show. I feel VERY heavy, but I feel alright other than just the weight, not like when I was 260 on 3g of test. I don't do any cardio right now as I have a very fast metabolism.
You're definately training smart. Injuries can happen so quickly. I train relatively heavy, but I do high reps for a lot of stuff. Like I did 3 plates a side on the Wide Hammer last workout, but did 24 reps. I also pre exhaust chest with an isolation movement to keep weights reasonable.
I'm really enjoying the log! Keep it up!
$150 a month for wearing a shirt?! That's awesome! I get a nice discount, but nothing for free. Southern States is July 8th and 9th. A friend of mine is helping me with my prep. He won the show a few years back on the way to his pro card. When I look in the mirror I don't see the potential and told him I was thinking of doing another show, but he insisted I'll do well. He's also helping me as finances are a little tight right now. He gave me 5mg of IGF and said he'll continue to help as long as I do the show. I feel VERY heavy, but I feel alright other than just the weight, not like when I was 260 on 3g of test. I don't do any cardio right now as I have a very fast metabolism.
You're definately training smart. Injuries can happen so quickly. I train relatively heavy, but I do high reps for a lot of stuff. Like I did 3 plates a side on the Wide Hammer last workout, but did 24 reps. I also pre exhaust chest with an isolation movement to keep weights reasonable.
I'm really enjoying the log! Keep it up!

270 at 5'7???? That's a shit ton of muscle...I use the 10lb per inch
rule when figuring out
Height/weight u at 270 is like me at 305! U got plenty of time...i don't think not having enough muscle will be an issue

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270 at 5'7???? That's a shit ton of muscle...I use the 10lb per inch
rule when figuring out
Height/weight u at 270 is like me at 305! U got plenty of time...i don't think not having enough muscle will be an issue
I'm a towering 5'9
Me at 270 would be...I don't think i could hold 270 on my frame.....


12 peices turkey bacon
2 100% whole wheat bagels
720 cals

8oz sirloin steak
2 cups fruit
5 sugar free reece's cups
800 cals

8oz sirloin steak
5 pita breads
1 cup fruit w/sf cool whip
900 cals

1/2 scoop anarchy (gotta get some more tommorow)
1 bang energy drink
(ran out of recellerator too)
40 cals

76g whey
2 100% whole wheat bagels
1.5 cup fruit w/sf cool whip
1200 cals

6 reduced sodium chees sticks
4 pita breads w/4tbsp pb
1080 cals

4800 cals

Had to change plans today and workout back width as my low back has been giving me issues....mainly because of the car I'm driving right now....when I'm smaller it's ok....right now it's giving me issues....(done with excuses for the day ha ha) plus I want to hammer triceps and hamstrings really hard and tommorow is my gf birthday so I probably won't work out and it will give me am extra couple days post chest so I can hit close grips and dips a little harder for tris....btw it's her 21st.....................good to be me.

Back width
Rope straight arm pulldowns
80 x 20
90 x 15
120 x 8

Behind the neck chins
230(bw) x 10. (I was happy as it's the most I've done at this weight without shoulder issue)
Bw x 10
Bw x 10

Wide grip chins to the front
Bw x 8
Bw x 8
Bw x 8

Ultra wide grip
Bw x 10
Bw x10

Mountain dog style standing pulldown. (hard to do with a ton of I'm not very strong on pulldowns)
100 x 15
120 x 12
135 x 12

Dumbell cross bench pullover(hits what I need...tris, chest and i like it)
80 x 15
105 x 10
125 x 6

Vince Taylor style hs hi row straight arm pulldown (I'm not good at naming things)
90 x 15
115 x 10
115 x 10

Straight arm pulldown
60 x 100

I'm very happy with how my progress has gone as I'm not lifting super heavy at this point.....and accruing a nice amount of muscle relative to what weight (poundage) I used before at this same bodyweight (230)'s more water...but not a ton (i get fat guy face at 10%) it's quite possible 6mgs melatonin is too much forme to take before Typing in my journal.


My no longer underage girlfriend (silly girl likes older look bald guys...good for my old looking 27. She just joined the forum...VAC)


Filling out a bit


Little more roundness

A blurry picture of my leg

My cat ate my cool whip
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I think you are progressing nicely- but I wouldn't say that an eventual goal of 270 isn't out of the window- its really a combination of eating training, and supps... you just have to find the right combo.. I am trying to get to 300 and its although its harder as you get older, I believe any goal thats planned has a chance of succeeding. Keep up the great work.
I think you are progressing nicely- but I wouldn't say that an eventual goal of 270 isn't out of the window- its really a combination of eating training, and supps... you just have to find the right combo.. I am trying to get to 300 and its although its harder as you get older, I believe any goal thats planned has a chance of succeeding. Keep up the great work.

Ur right....i just never really envisioned what I'd kook like at 270....what's 10lbs anyway?

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Ur right....i just never really envisioned what I'd kook like at 270....what's 10lbs anyway?
You could definately hold 270. You just take up more space and clothing becomes impossible to find. I never dreamed I would be this heavy... you just keep progressing and one day you're there.
Your girl is VERY cute. She could definately do well in competition, however, I'm very jaded when it comes to that.
With your structure, you would be a total freak at 270. I don't know when your next show is, but you can get there pretty quick with the right combo and training.
60g whey
2 cups fruit
1 wrap bread
1 tbsp pb
700 cals

8oz sirloin
10 peices turkey Bacon
2 apples
2.5 tbsp pb

8 oz turkey
2 cups fruit

2 scoops anarchy
40 cals

Sirloin/veggies/terriayki sauce
15 peices of California roll sushi
1500 cals

2 apples
2 tbsp pb
8 sugar Fred Oreos
1 cup fruit
4 string cheese

4940 cals

Got a little snacky at night...went out to eat for the little womans birthday. Had a chance to sneak a quick workout...while I got a crazy pump I was having some issues with my left shoulder/bicep kept "popping" over the bone on hammer curls when I was going somewhat heavy so I had to fo lighter and alter my movements....and I was on a time crunch...should have just taken today off like planned.

DB hammer curl
30s x 20
40s x 15
65s x 4(shoulder sucked)
40 x 10(slow controlled form)
40 x 10

One arm cable pushdown
30 x 15
40 x 12
50 x 10
50 x 10 drop to 40 x 10 drop to 30 x 10

Plate loaded machine curl
70 x 15
95 x 10
95 x 10
95 x 10 drop to 70 x 15 drop to 45 x 6

Plate loaded dip machine
315 x 10
365 x 6
365 x 6
365 x 6 drop to 315 x 3 drop to 225 x 10

Drag curl
40 x 30 (3 different grips)
40 x 30
40 x 30

V bar pushdowns
Stack x 12
Stack x 12
Stack x 12 drop to half x 12

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2 elite gourmet protein bars (got lazy)
700 cals

8oz turkey
4 oz sirloin steak
1 whole wheat bagel
1 cup pineapple w/ sf cool whip
1020 cals

8 oz turkey
2 whole wheat bagels
1 cup pineapple w/ sf cool whip
1120 cals

2 scoops anarchy
28g whey isolate
180 cals

Protein bar
1 cup fruit
350 cals

7 oz pork
8 peices turkey bacon
1.5 cups fruit sf/ cool whip
750 cals

8oz sirloin steak
1 cheese stick
1.5 cups fruit w/ sf cw
4 pita breads
900 cals

4880 cals

Had to alter the workout today as my lower back has been giving me fits since I got back over Romanian dls or a hack squat machine stiff leg. Just going to give my lower back a good week to rest and work a little abs...which i'm sure will help....I've done about 10 ab workouts in my life and probably only 2 the last two years....part of the reason I think my waist is small....but every now and than I need some direct work since I hav a long torso it puts a lot of stress on my back during certain movements....which helps lower back development...but it also puts a lot more stress on it too....a buddy of mine gave me the rest of his liquid cialis...i took half a dose pre workout...holy he'll did I get a good pump....i wonder long term how taking a low dose of Viagra or cialis would affect gains? It's like an NO product on steroids...ha ha


One leg lying leg curl
30 x 20
40 x 15
55 x 10
55 x 10
55 x 10

Leg curl one leg negatives (up with 2 legs...down with one all reps on one leg than switch)
95 x 4
110 x 3
125 x 2

Standing leg curl (really focused on feeling the hamstring thru the entire ROM and squeezing the top of the movement for a 2 count)
30 x 8
30 x 8
30 x 8
30 x 8

Seated one leg curls
50 x 20
65 x 10
65 x 10
65 x 10
65 x 10

Leg press toe press (5 sec peak contraction, 1 sec stretch)
450 x 10
450 x 10
450 x 10
450 x 10
450 x 10

My calves are already sore btw....I dsnt go super heavy either...squeezing at the top helps a lot apparently.

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45g whey
2 whole wheat bagels
1 cup fruit
1000 cals

8 sugar free Oreos (these are awesome)
360 cals

12 oz turkey
2 whole wheat bagels
4 tbsp reduced fat cream cheese
1100 cals

58g whey
4 cups rice chex
1.5 cup fruit w/sf cool whip
1100 cals

2 sccops anarchy

58g whey
2 cups lactose free fat free milk
2 whole wheat bagels
1.5 cups fruit w/sf cool whip
4 sugar free reece's cups
1750 cals (I was really hungry)

8 oz sirloin steak
6 pita breads
760 cals

6000 cals

Plate loaded machine leverage press
180 x 15
270 x 12
290 x 10
320 x 4
270 x 15
270 x 15
270 x 20 (5 forced)

DB rear delt fly
20 x 20
25 x 15
30 x 15
35 x 15
40 x 15 (shoulder was funky..kinda popped in the back of my delt...than popped back later..freaked out a bit..little strained but I think it's ok)

Side laterals (up and down the rack)
15 x 10, 20 x 10, 25 x 10, 30 x 10, 25 x 10, 20 x 10, 15 x 10

Rear delts on the pec deck
110 x 15
130 x 15
145 x 15
160 x 15
160 x 15
160 x 15

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what kind of turkey do you get, the kind they slice at the deli?

93% lean ground turkey...turkey store brand comes in rolls that are $2 something a grocery bill is a couple hundred bucks a month as it is...

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oh okay cool.. you do a lot of cooking bro.. i hear ya on the grocery bill, mine is about 100 a week and that usually lasts me sunday-thurs

For some reason tonight I can't remeber what I ate (well I know why)....but I ate a lot and good...had one of my weeknd "cheats" at a place called's like chipotle...dunno if it's a chain....they had "light" sour cream so that makes it 100% healthy....ha ha...still trying to give my low back a rest but that really limits my movements...but all in all the way my legs feel tonight indicates a solid workout.....the liquid cialis not only contributed to several "warm up workouts" with the gf today but a killer pump on legs....actually quite excruciating....i wonder if that would be something long term to incorporate on days working a lagging boypart....because the fascia has to be stretched being pumped up so is a painful painful way to do legs

One leg leg press
3p/side x 10
4p/side x 10
5p/side x 10
5p/side x 10
5p/side x 10 (any heavier i think is too much preside on the knee least one leg for my joints which tend to be on the smallish side)

Leg extension
10 sets of 20 with 30 seconds rest between sets with half the stack (volume is what killed me here...but I made the tempo so that each set was to positive failure...more than anything trying to get the maximum pump/tension)

Thighsolator machine (hack squat-ish type machine...selectorized)
Stack x 10
Stack x 10
Stack x 10 (done first I could do about 20 reps but my quads were toast at the time)

Hammer strength toe press
270 x 10 x 10 (10 seconds between sets) 100 total reps

Seated calf raise (flat unangled foot pad...very different contraction)
135 x 10
135 x 10
180 x 10
180 x 10
180 x 10 drop to 135 x 12 drop to 90 x 14

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Off day
Ate about 4500 cals

Weight was 238 (5 or 6 is water...ankles holding some water...this happens on gh sometimes when my igf-1 levels get high...and now since upping some pep dosage I started retaining wter in the ankles sunday)

Ate 5500 cals

Workout wasn't worth writing down...I actually had fantastic "feel" during my workout but due to tweaking my rotator cuff i was pausing and squeezing with moderate weight.

My new peptide protocol (ever evolving)

8am--100 ghrp2/50 mod grf

830--meal 1

1130--meal 2


330pm--60mcgs igf-1

340--meal 3

6pm--100mcgs peg mgf

645pm--100mcgs ghrp2/50mcgs mod grf

7pm--2ius humalog

830pm--100mcgs mgf/250mcgs ghrp6

9pm meal 4

930pm--100mcgs peg mgf

11pm--meal 5

1230pm--meal 6

130pm--100mcgs ghrp2/50mcgs mod grf

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Weight 240
5600 cals

I decided to forgo writing my entire diet out...because I'm lazy....sonewhat frustrating workout...I felt good a d strong going into it...but while warming up on incline barbell I felt that sane slight pop/slip and decided free weights weren't in the cards today...I've just put on muscle and weight so fast (a lot of muscle memory..but this is a different 240...much more round) body has been getting little tweaks almost every workout....and now I'm goin to have to train around this shoulder for a while...but I won't let this slow me down...just taking a detour....

Incline hammer press (extending all the way generally hurts my shoulder but oddly today it felt better this way)
270 x 12
320 x 6
320 x 6
320 x 5
270 x 12

Hammer strength wide press
270 x 12
320 x 10
360 x 6
360 x 6
320 x 10
270 x 10
270 x 10
270 x 10

Incline DB flyes
25 x 10
35 x 10
50 x 10

Pec deck single arm flyes
100 x 20
130 x 15
160 x 10
I love the hammer strength incline press, I drop the seat all the way down and I feel it a bit higher up in the chest than a regular incline, then sometimes ill do the smythe following on a 30 degree angle. I have never felt the wide grip hammer where im supposed to feel it. I always feel it in my armpit no matter how heavy or light i go.
I love the hammer strength incline press, I drop the seat all the way down and I feel it a bit higher up in the chest than a regular incline, then sometimes ill do the smythe following on a 30 degree angle. I have never felt the wide grip hammer where im supposed to feel it. I always feel it in my armpit no matter how heavy or light i go.

That's where I put the seat too...I grab the wide press actually very close...I feel it on the contraction more than anything