Roelly recent guest posing !!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
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you can see he is just massive and huge..but you cant see much detail...but Im willing to bet he is lean as hell !!!
another video of same posing

The most impressive thing to me is that he's that big but still agile enough to do a freakin' standing backflip! lol
I will agree, he is a tremendous athlete. However, that look is really disgusting to me. I am a much bigger fan of the triangular upper bodies of arnold's day. Don't get me wrong, I think legs are incredibly important, but that distended abdomen look with his incredibly "thick" arms doesn't do it for me. He doesn't have that really swole look while simultaneously being "shredded". I am not hating, it just doesn't do it for me....
I have to say im in two minds .. He looks amasing dont get me wrong, awesome size and flexability .. but i agree with Shaptown that his appearance really isnt aesthetically pleasing to the eye. I dont think that his 'look' is going to go down to well at the 'O' knowing what they seem to look for in recent years.

I am fully open to admitting im a huge Cutler and Warren fan, and their appearances are what i like more.
I will never say anything about a guys gut until he is on stage. If he cant get it under control by then, then I would say yes he needs to do something about it. time will tell.

But in the video, yes he as a very thick wasit