“Roid rage” Is A Myth, Says Australia’s Leading Bodybuilder

Iron Game

Gold Member
Lee Priest, who Arnold Schwarzenegger once described as one of his most feared opponents, has admitted to using anabolic androgenic steroids for two decades. Lee further added that “Roid Rage” is a myth and the real problem is alcohol.

Priest, Australia’s leading bodybuilder said anabolic steroids are commonly used by professional and amateur athletes. He further remarked that sending steroid users to jail for up to 25 years is completely ridiculous. The former IFBB professional bodybuilder and a current NABBA Professional athlete went on to say that he had seen rugby league players pick stuff up from people and he had even seen use of steroids in soccer, cycling, swimming, basketball, and baseball. Lee added people should go to an emergency room any given weekend and see how many people are in there from alcohol abuse and fighting, and then they should show him the beds where people are in there for steroid overdose or steroid use.

Priest, who started competing in bodybuilding at 13, said the biggest cause of violence in today's times is a lack of discipline in schools and at home. The bodybuilder said he thinks it comes down to how kids are raised these days and said children in his times used to get the cane while growing up and parents and teachers cannot do that now.

Lee Priest also said there are young kids on anabolic steroids in 60 percent of the gyms he walked into. Priest said he didn't saw any roid rage from them though he saw some idiots whether they take steroids or drink alcohol. The bodybuilder also slammed suggestions from Premier Barry O’Farrell that the use of anabolic steroids had contributed to violence in Kings Cross. O’Farrell remarked he makes no apologies for getting tough on illegal supply and possession of steroids as part of our crackdown on drug and alcohol-fuelled violence. Priest remarked Barry O’Farrell needs to talk to people in the know like him, who have been using them for years and added he had never been in a fight since high school, never had a speeding ticket and added that Roid Rage Is A Myth and he sees more idiots doing shit drunk than on steroids. There is no official link between steroids and violence, Priest claimed and said he had witnessed guys on strict diets get mad when they can’t eat food, but this whole roid rage thing is a myth.

Priest said he finds it strange that if he is a professional athlete, an adult using a steroid for my given sport and had two bottles in the house for an injection once a week, he could get 25 years for doing that as he is not hurting anyone. The bodybuilder remarked that the underlying issue is not addressed by tougher penalties for steroid use.

Dayne Hudson, a natural bodybuilder, remarked he had never used steroids in my life, but he had been around gyms for long enough to know that what was once the domain of a few professional athletes is now becoming less taboo in the general public.
here, here. i agree as well, but we all know how biased news media is, even though journalism should not be rife with conjecture and misinformation of facts. if these "journalists" would just do due diligence of wanting to get just the facts, we'd all get true reporting. instead we get a biased view, because of what they believe when they start investigative reporting, thus looking for only the negative aspects of anything they want removed.
Been around this sport for over 30 years and I can attest that the asses at the gym that were bullies were the same way if they were on gear. Those that were good guys and treated people with respect, were also the same on gear.
Been around this sport for over 30 years and I can attest that the asses at the gym that were bullies were the same way if they were on gear. Those that were good guys and treated people with respect, were also the same on gear.
Spot on, if yr an asshole when natural, you'l be an asshole when gearing, the media LOVES spreading things like this to the ignorant general public
My experience, to me, shows otherwise. While I only have roughly a decade of experience, I am sure (and so is my wife) that injecting supraphysiological (exogenous) sex horomoses in my body leads to personality changes. While I believe that one's natural temperament is important, I believe it's misguided to discount the role that these drugs play in changing mood, at least for a portion of users.

Personally, I experience a great deal of aggression when coming off, as the body struggles to recover to baseline. The first 5-6 weeks are quite challenging.
I will put an astrick next to my comments, I believe not everybody can or should use steroids. You have to have the correct mentality to be able to handle the good changes in yr body BUT also be able to accept the inevitibable downswing that occurs afterwards. I have a couple buddies, one in particular who is 110% addict, hes only in his comfort zone when he is addicted to something. He would lie, cheat & steal for a injection. I stopped getting for him, I didnt need to be his enabler.
I have been around it since the early 80's when you could buy it right in the gym before it was controlled. I tell you right now high levels of exogenous test changes personality and not for the better. Two heavy users I use to know both lost their jobs because of it. They had good jobs too, set for life. They were just arrogant nasty dudes but they were yoked. One of them is currently in prison and gets out next year.
i agree with drtbear on this, that the person has a lot to do with how you act on and off steroids.
most of what i read on the matter only confirms it. steroids tend to make you more of what you already are. if you're a jerk to begin with, you become a bigger jerk. i do not believe steroids can change your basic personality, traits, or morality. i do believe they will and do make people more aggressive, what you do with it becomes a choice.
i also believe there are people out there who should not take them, because they let roids control them, instead of controlling the roids. if you lack self control to begin with, you should probably steer clear of roids as well. just makes sense.
Lee Priest, who Arnold Schwarzenegger once described as one of his most feared opponents, has admitted to using anabolic androgenic steroids for two decades.

I always get a kick outa this comment that older pro's now use, "ADMITTED to using anabolic Steroids"

You admit to taking something that people either had no idea you took, or who were suspicious but couldnt prove. If you look like Lee Priest and every single IFBB pro bodybuilder now days, then you neednt "ADMIT" anything! Its OBVIOUS and UNDERSTOOD.

I did like this article. Not sure I agree with blaming Alcohol though
knowing what i know now i can tell who has been using in general. although back in the day when i was still a natty, i was accused a couple of times of using and i'm not really that big.
I believe tren acetate can induce roid rage , but usually in those who are already alpha males, the blanket term is what I dont agree with, as testosterone I dont think causes it at therapeutic dosages, but if you take a boatload, sure it can make u edgy enough to rage lol, but chances are your already an asshole like me! lmao

On a side note, Lee Priest was / is, one hell of a bodybuilder, with whom I would take bodybuilding advice from in a heart beat, anything else or subjects outside the realm of bodybuilding, well Lee gets a bit FLAKY to say the least , and I could not disagree more with his assessment of it being ALCOHOL,
Ok, i should have said I KNOW trenbolone acetate can induce roid rage! lmao