Sarm Sciences Going Out Of Business Sale!


Staff member
Actually its more like I am pulling Sarm-Sciences Stock from our Store! I am told that the Brand Sarm Sciences Will still be carrying GW & SR since they are NOT SARM and not mentioned in the new 2018 SARM BILL, that will be passed soon! However I still prefer not to carry anything that has the name SARM on it lmao Cause once the bill passes, The DEA will swoop in and make a serious statement!

I for one want no part in that BULLSHIT!

So, I am selling off the last of SARM Sciences Stock with the following Promotion:

  1. [*=left]

    <marquee direction="center" behavior="scroll" scroll="continuous" scrollamount="3" width="200" height="20" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255); font-family: impact;">Closing Down Sarm-Sciences Sale</marquee></center>

  1. [*=left]<center>

    All IGF-1 Orders Will Receive 1 Free Sarm Sciences Of Choice!

    </center><center style="color: rgb(62, 62, 62); font-size: 12px;"></center>
A copy of this thread is in another forum here, where I was asked how much stock was left, and also the store publicly lists the stock left for each item.

S4 = 283
Osta = 163
LGD = 44
GW = 79
Sr = 65

Anyhow thats a copy from this morning, however I know 72 more are gone, mostly the gw, and osta though,