sarms for more gains


New member
I’m currently 40 years old and I’ve been a hard Gainer my whole life
looking to take some sarms to help me get some big-time muscle gains
what are the best options that you recommend for me being that I am 6 ft tall and 158 lbs?
Looking to take something for 12 weeks that’s economically friendly
I’m currently 40 years old and I’ve been a hard Gainer my whole life
looking to take some sarms to help me get some big-time muscle gains
what are the best options that you recommend for me being that I am 6 ft tall and 158 lbs?
Looking to take something for 12 weeks that’s economically friendly
for more gains you need yk11 and lgd
5mgs lgd
10mgs yk11
and n2guard 3caps
and EATING a lot is important
you need to look at your diet first.. you are very very under sized for your height.. how about you post up your typical days diet so we can get you the proper help you need
LGD is a great one for adding mass but SARMs are not going to add a ton of mass to you. You are going to have to focus on diet. 158lbs is really light for your height. Make sure you are eating enough of the right kinds of food for gains.