sarms for the aging man


New member
I just turned 50 and I feel like I’m 60. 188 pounds and 6’2’’
I’m looking to use sarms as I get older for anti-aging purposes
one of the ways I can execute this is via doing an anti aging sarms stack
I put together mine let me know what you think.
HGH 2iu’s per day
ostarine mk2866 25mgs a day
nutrobal mk677 10mgs 2x per day
20 weeks
yo do not want to use ostarine over 12 weeks... mk677 is dosed once per day... for the best quality make sure to go with either Umbrella Labs or RCS...
I just turned 50 and I feel like I’m 60. 188 pounds and 6’2’’
I’m looking to use sarms as I get older for anti-aging purposes
one of the ways I can execute this is via doing an anti aging sarms stack
I put together mine let me know what you think.
HGH 2iu’s per day
ostarine mk2866 25mgs a day
nutrobal mk677 10mgs 2x per day
20 weeks
for your age i would try ostarine and nutrobal per your plan
but either use nutrobal or hgh not both

10mgs nutrobal
25mgs ostarine
7caps n2guard
this is a base cycle imo but add bpc157
I just turned 50 and I feel like I’m 60. 188 pounds and 6’2’’
I’m looking to use sarms as I get older for anti-aging purposes
one of the ways I can execute this is via doing an anti aging sarms stack
I put together mine let me know what you think.
HGH 2iu’s per day
ostarine mk2866 25mgs a day
nutrobal mk677 10mgs 2x per day
20 weeks