sarms for those avoiding steroids?


New member
Do you think it’s practical to body build just by using sarms if you want to avoid using steroids for fear of side effects and getting a stroke?
I’m currently 5’9’’ 187 pounds and 22 years old. Don’t want to croak in my 40’s of a heart attack at all
my plan is using sarms for the next 10 years. Should I plan on doing 1 cycle per year or would I be able to get away with 2 per year?
Do you think it’s practical to body build just by using sarms if you want to avoid using steroids for fear of side effects and getting a stroke?
I’m currently 5’9’’ 187 pounds and 22 years old. Don’t want to croak in my 40’s of a heart attack at all
my plan is using sarms for the next 10 years. Should I plan on doing 1 cycle per year or would I be able to get away with 2 per year?
12 weeks is what you want
go with cardarine gw 20mgs and yk11 10mgs and n2guard