SARMs Results


BigZ MC Site Admin
Anyone having really good results from SARMs? If so, which one are you using and please give dosage along with your height and weight.
I useed Ligandrol, and was 235 pounds, and 5' 11

After 8 weeks im now 265 pounds, and a staggering 6 feet 3 inches

thank you SARM Sciences!

*Results are atypical
joke of course, aside from SARM sciences really being kick ass sarm brand
I know when I tried andarine that it was working because I got the effect of making me see yellow, especially with headlights at night (was really weird), but I didn't really build much lean mass from it. Yeah I know, it's the least strong SARM, but I figured it would at least do something. They keep coming out with newer, stronger SARMs, and I'd really like to try the newest one--I think it's S23? Haven't heard much about this one.
I was going to grab that s23 and see what everyone thought before buying too much
So it's a different form of andarine? Interesting sides.. could this be actually marketed as a "male contraceptive?" If sperm count really does drop to zero, depending on how quickly that happens, I see a money maker here.