so what exactly were u leary about brutha, SARMS been around forever, just a fancy name really lol

SARMs are legit. i tried ostarine last year it was like being on a mild PH some increase in size and strength. i have a friend on LGD which is supposed to be king of the SARMs. GW was very good but not a real SARM but that shit works
SARMs are legit. i tried ostarine last year it was like being on a mild PH some increase in size and strength. i have a friend on LGD which is supposed to be king of the SARMs. GW was very good but not a real SARM but that shit works
Any of our illustrious sponsors sell it? Should I stack it with anything in particular?
which SARM are you thinking about running or what are your goals?

I don't know really. I just heard about it for the first time. I'm getting ready to start training for a powerlifting meet in June so for now strength. But after that I'm making the switch to bodybuilding so it'll be get as big as I possibly can. Currently I'm sitting just above 220 @ 5'10" and pretty lean. Especially compared to the guys I train with.
lol, its all long as we all learn something new daily its all worth It. Brain fart doesn't count so we will call it a tie.
Sarms are great. I run them in my cruises because they are virtually side effect free. Non-toxic to the liver, no effect on lipids (except for lgd-4033), no androgenic side effects, and minimal suppression (except for lgd-4033).

Ostarine (mk-2866) - comparable to tbol. Lean gains, noticeable fat loss if eating at maintenance or below. Expect 4-10lbs of weight gain if bulking. Amazing for recomp. Very minimal suppression. dosage: 10-25mg/day 6-8 weeks. Use mild pct.

S4 - comparable to anavar or masteron. Dry gains, hardening, loads of strength, vascularity. Perfect for cutting. Not ideal for bulking, not much mass to be had with S4. Minimal-moderate suppression. Dosage: 50-100mg/day split twice a day 6-8 weeks. Use mild PCT.

LGD-4033 - Comparable to 500mg test with masteron. By far the most anabolic. Expect up to 10-15lbs of weight gain if bulking. The gains are very lean and dry. Perfect compound for any goal. Moderate-full suppression. Dosage 1-10mg/day 6-8 weeks. Use FULL pct.
*note lgd is highly suppressive and has been shown to adversely affect lipid profile.
SARMS are a peptide base and are very difficult to be effective if not properly suspended as it can degrade quickly when mixed. They are a great substitute as mentioned above, but very few know how to suspend them properly and so they don't degrade.