Sciroxx steroids are D rate crap


New member
I’m very pissed off right now I managed to convince my doctor to get steroids on my own to save me some money and some time and he finally agreed as long as I got them from a good source.
Well after getting my blood work done I’ve been on 200 mg a week of sciroxx testosterone and not only is my test levels low but I’m also having a lot of things off in my blood work. So this is dirty and underdose gear
I’m very pissed off right now I managed to convince my doctor to get steroids on my own to save me some money and some time and he finally agreed as long as I got them from a good source.
Well after getting my blood work done I’ve been on 200 mg a week of sciroxx testosterone and not only is my test levels low but I’m also having a lot of things off in my blood work. So this is dirty and underdose gear
Sciroxx is trash gear DO NOT buy