
big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
This is the brand of gear that the Philly cops were pushing, just be careful if you've used this anytime recently...
good luck making money reselling scrioxx, they charge an arm and a leg for that shit.
lol, hope they dont come check my cabinets, got a 10 grams of mast and 5 of ultradex, mine wasnt shipped from philly tho
Hmmm, think I'd clean that cabinet out, send it to me, I'll hide for you :thumbsup:
Yeah he should clean house after his comment like that. LE makes a massive bust with this lab in the Eastern Seaboard with more bust to come, and he posts this info. Maybe time for a new hard-drive too
Hay, he might even post to where he sent it.:surprised
good luck making money reselling scrioxx, they charge an arm and a leg for that shit.
Ahhhh, when they are getting the oils shipped to them at 950mls a clip, pumping, stoppers, and crimping, along with logo's. They can make their money in no time!
How in any way is this retarded?? 99% of the things said on the Internet are false, if law enforcement were to investigate every little comment posted on the Internet then we would all be hauled in at some point. Lol, don't think it's that big of a deal guys, I don't have any intent to distribute. it's all for personal use, come on, is it that big of a deal, really???
How in any way is this retarded?? 99% of the things said on the Internet are false, if law enforcement were to investigate every little comment posted on the Internet then we would all be hauled in at some point. Lol, don't think it's that big of a deal guys, I don't have any intent to distribute. it's all for personal use, come on, is it that big of a deal, really???

It's not a big deal, I just don't personally post things like that, but it's probably more paranoia than anything. LE doesn't need much of a reason at all to investigate.
thanks for he heads up bruther

No problem, just figured that anyone who has used their stuff may want to keep an eye and ear open specifcally because you never know who knows what and what the LE is going to find in their investigation