Scott Herman Workout And Diet Routine

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Scott Herman is an American fitness YouTuber, actor, entrepreneur and model. He is best known for sharing motivational fitness content on his YouTube channel ScottHermanFitness. He has also appeared in reality TV shows and a number of photoshoots for brands. This is his complete profile, biography, diet and workout routine as well as statistics.
Scott Herman Statistics

Full Name: Scott Herman


87 kg (191.8 lbs)
5’10” (178 cm)
38 years

Date of Birth
Place of Birth

October 18, 1984
Lawrence, Massachusetts

Scott Herman Biography
Early Life
Scott Herman was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts on October 18, 2023. He spent his childhood in Lawrence and played various sports like football and wrestling during school days. Although he had a very normal family life and upbringing, little Scott was bullied as a kid and felt the need to get physically stronger. Watching superhero serials on the television gave him the motivation to take first steps in the fitness journey with his father’s weight training set in the house basement.

Scott Herman’s father became his first coach and he ensured that his son learned the basics of weight training in a proper way. Scott outgrew his dad’s weight set after training for a while. To get a free membership of Gold’s gym, the teenager applied to clean there for three hours every Saturday. He soon developed the passion for weightlifting. Although weight training was initially a way to channel his anger against bullying, it soon became an integral part of his life.
He obtained a college degree in business from Merimack college while managing his training and a small DJ business.
As his training journey progressed, Scott Herman got more and more confident with his physique. He then moved to New York to find work in the television industry. The Massachusetts native soon bagged a role in the show The Real World that filmed strangers as they lived together. He enjoyed his time on the show and was chosen because of his perfect physique.
He then entered the Iron Abs competition hosted by Men’s Health and managed to pull off a win. This increased his popularity and he rode high on the wave of this success. Scott Herman was invited for many fitness events and many high-profile brands sponsored him for photoshoots as well.
Scott’s journey through the fitness and television industry gave him a lot of exposure and a boost of confidence. He soon started a YouTube channel to help others reach their fitness goals. The success of the channel skyrocketed over time and at the time of this article’s publishing, Scott Herman’s YouTube channel ScottHermanFitness has 2.77 million subscribers.

Scott Herman Workout
Scott Herman believes in making consistent and steady progress at a moderate rate, especially if you are new in the fitness journey. For those taking their first steps in free weights training, Herman advises to build a strong foundation by building muscle endurance through compound lifts like bench press, deadlifts and squats.
Herman recommends starting the weight training journey with as many free weights as possible to improve functional strength and balance. Machines eliminate or significantly reduce the need to control the weight which may not engage the stabilizing muscles that support the target muscles. Also, the weights on machines move along a fixed trajectory. Therefore, using free weights initially is essential to build a proper form and to engage stabilizing muscles.

Herman firmly believes in training frequency and states that he has never taken an off-season in his fitness journey. Additionally, he does not have separate bulking and cutting phases either. The only downside to this method is the pace. Herman believes that gains are made at a relatively slower rate with his method.
The 39-year-old does not necessarily use one exercise more than the other. However, overhead dumbbell extensions, dumbbell bench press and deadlifts are his favorite exercises. He feels that dumbbell exercises are some of the best options for building a toned physique. Therefore, no wonder that the two dumbbell exercises found their way on the list of Herman’s favorite exercises. The third one, deadlift, is without a doubt the king of all lifts and its efficacy in building overall strength.
Scott Herman’s personal training routine
Scott Herman’s personal training routine focuses on high-volume training. He trains for five days every week and gives his body rest on Saturday and Sunday. High-volume training coupled with high-frequency training is one of the most effective ways to make maximum strength and muscle gains.
Apart from abs exercises, he does not use machines too much and mostly relies on free weights, preferably dumbbells. His training splits focus on targeting every muscle group in the body and has dedicated days for chest, shoulder and back, legs, arms and abs training.

Monday – Chest Workout
Herman starts his training week with chest training. His chest day combines presses and flyers. While compound pressing movements like dumbbell press improve the pushing strength of the upper body, movements like cable crossover improve the chest and arms’ ability to adduct (bring together the muscles). As a result, it is advisable to incorporate both types of movements in the chest training routine for complete development. Herman performs dumbbell bench press and cable crossover variations to work the pectoral muscles from different angles and positions to emphasize different parts of the muscle.
His chest training session includes:

Tuesday – Shoulders and Back Workout
After working the pushing muscles on Monday, Herman targets the major upper body pulling muscles – back – on Tuesday. Once again, back exercises can be broadly divided into two categories. While vertical pulls like pull-ups and lat pulldowns help build a wide back, horizontal pulls like rows help add thickness to the back. Hence, a combination of these two movement patterns enable overall, complete development of the back.
Herman combines the back training with shoulders. He ensures that anterior and medial deltoids get sufficient work with movements like shoulder press, front and lateral raises. Since the posterior deltoid / rear delt muscles get activated during other compound lifts Herman does not necessarily include rear delt specific movements in every training session.
His back and shoulder workout consists of:
Back Exercises

Shoulder Exercises

Wednesday – Leg Workout
Neglecting legs is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in the fitness journey. Afterall, it is not wise to ignore literally one half of the body that forms a strong foundation. Scott Heman is obviously not among that lot and approaches his lower body training with utmost sincerity. Squat is the primary compound movement of his leg training. It works all the major muscles in the lower body including quads, hamstrings, glutes and even calves. In many ways, squats are the ultimate lower body exercise. In addition to squats, Herman performs isolation movements like leg curls, leg extensions, calves raises and machine hip adduction to target the lower body muscles individually.
The training session includes:

Thursday – Arms Workout
Arms are the most visible muscle group on the physique. As a result, having toned and muscular arms is a must for an aesthetically good physique. However, aesthetics is a secondary goal as having strong arms is essential for performing a majority of everyday activities. Scott Herman works his arms with a variety of exercises to work from different angles and in different positions to target different parts of the muscles. Biceps and triceps respond best to moderate weights and high volume.
The 39-year-old’s arms training routine looks like this:

Friday – Shoulder and Abs Workout
Herman wraps up the training week with this split. Abs are the primary target muscles in this workout and he sprinkles a few shoulder movements as well. As mentioned before, Scott Herman uses a cable machine for crunches and includes other core exercises like side planks, russian twists and hanging leg raises to work different parts of abdominal muscles from different angles.The Friday training session looks like this:

Saturday – Rest
There is no better way to recover from the stressful training sessions than simply allowing the body to rest and heal itself. Scott Herman believes that good quality sleep is the number one remedy for recovery. Therefore he takes Saturday off to get rejuvenated for the next week’s training.
Sunday – Cardio
To maintain and improve the cardiovascular health and to burn calories, Scott Herman does cardio two to three days per week in addition to his free weight training routine. Typically, he does only cardio on Sundays and the training session includes:

Footwork warm-up to maintain ankle strength
20-minute run on a treadmill at a 3% incline and 8 mph speed

Scott Herman Diet
Scott does not like to leave any loose ends when it comes to his nutrition. After all, a perfect physique is a combination of training and diet. Things can take a hit if one of these two aspects are neglected.
Scott Herman prefers to plan his full day of eating well in advance. He decides the macronutrient intake for the day and ensures that it is met through healthy and home cooked whole foods. He does not make changes to his diet frequently and eats pretty much the same food everyday to ensure the macronutrient intake is sufficient.

Herman includes protein in each one of his meals and also incorporates a healthy portion of vegetables in the diet. While his diet does not necessarily contain ‘delicious’ foods, Scott Herman believes that it is a cost you have to pay for having a god-like physique. After all, you can’t be a couch potato with a pack of nachos and expect to have a physique like Scott Herman’s, can you?
That being said, the 39-year-old YouTuber does indulge in his favorite foods once in a while BUT in moderation. His caloric intake and micronutrient profile for a typical day looks like this:

Energy – 2800 to 3100 Calories
Protein – 200 to 220 Grams
Carbohydrates – 250 to 350 Grams
Fats – 80 to 100 Grams

Full Day of Eating in Scott Herman’s Diet
Herman starts the day with a wholesome breakfast that is high in protein. The rest of his meals also focus on sufficient protein and vegetables. Chicken, eggs, fish and Whey protein are the primary sources of protein in Scott Herman’s diet. On the other hand, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and whole wheat bread provide sufficient carbohydrates. Milk, egg yolk and a variety of vegetables provide fats, vitamins and other essential nutrients. His typical meal plan for a day looks like this:

Rolled Oats
Whole Wheat Toast
Whole Eggs
Whey Protein


Grilled Chicken
Brown Rice


Mixed Vegetables
Whole Wheat Pasta

To Conclude
Scott Herman’s training approach and reliance on free weights might seem regressive to many as new evolved training methods promise far better and quicker results. However, his journey shows that if you believe in your training principles and stick to them without wavering, it is possible to reach your fitness goals slowly but surely.

Scott Herman is an American fitness YouTuber, actor, entrepreneur and model. He is best known for sharing motivational fitness content on his YouTube channel ScottHermanFitness. He has also appeared in reality TV shows and a number of photoshoots for brands. This is his complete profile, biography, diet and workout routine as well as statistics.

Scott Herman Statistics

Full Name: Scott Herman


87 kg (191.8 lbs)
5’10” (178 cm)
38 years

Date of Birth
Place of Birth

October 18, 1984
Lawrence, Massachusetts

Scott Herman Biography
Early Life
Scott Herman was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts on October 18, 2023. He spent his childhood in Lawrence and played various sports like football and wrestling during school days. Although he had a very normal family life and upbringing, little Scott was bullied as a kid and felt the need to get physically stronger. Watching superhero serials on the television gave him the motivation to take first steps in the fitness journey with his father’s weight training set in the house basement.

Scott Herman’s father became his first coach and he ensured that his son learned the basics of weight training in a proper way. Scott outgrew his dad’s weight set after training for a while. To get a free membership of Gold’s gym, the teenager applied to clean there for three hours every Saturday. He soon developed the passion for weightlifting. Although weight training was initially a way to channel his anger against bullying, it soon became an integral part of his life.

He obtained a college degree in business from Merimack college while managing his training and a small DJ business.

As his training journey progressed, Scott Herman got more and more confident with his physique. He then moved to New York to find work in the television industry. The Massachusetts native soon bagged a role in the show The Real World that filmed strangers as they lived together. He enjoyed his time on the show and was chosen because of his perfect physique.

He then entered the Iron Abs competition hosted by Men’s Health and managed to pull off a win. This increased his popularity and he rode high on the wave of this success. Scott Herman was invited for many fitness events and many high-profile brands sponsored him for photoshoots as well.

Scott’s journey through the fitness and television industry gave him a lot of exposure and a boost of confidence. He soon started a YouTube channel to help others reach their fitness goals. The success of the channel skyrocketed over time and at the time of this article’s publishing, Scott Herman’s YouTube channel ScottHermanFitness has 2.77 million subscribers.

Scott Herman Workout
Scott Herman believes in making consistent and steady progress at a moderate rate, especially if you are new in the fitness journey. For those taking their first steps in free weights training, Herman advises to build a strong foundation by building muscle endurance through compound lifts like bench press, deadlifts and squats.

Herman recommends starting the weight training journey with as many free weights as possible to improve functional strength and balance. Machines eliminate or significantly reduce the need to control the weight which may not engage the stabilizing muscles that support the target muscles. Also, the weights on machines move along a fixed trajectory. Therefore, using free weights initially is essential to build a proper form and to engage stabilizing muscles.

Herman firmly believes in training frequency and states that he has never taken an off-season in his fitness journey. Additionally, he does not have separate bulking and cutting phases either. The only downside to this method is the pace. Herman believes that gains are made at a relatively slower rate with his method.

The 39-year-old does not necessarily use one exercise more than the other. However, overhead dumbbell extensions, dumbbell bench press and deadlifts are his favorite exercises. He feels that dumbbell exercises are some of the best options for building a toned physique. Therefore, no wonder that the two dumbbell exercises found their way on the list of Herman’s favorite exercises. The third one, deadlift, is without a doubt the king of all lifts and its efficacy in building overall strength.

Scott Herman’s personal training routine
Scott Herman’s personal training routine focuses on high-volume training. He trains for five days every week and gives his body rest on Saturday and Sunday. High-volume training coupled with high-frequency training is one of the most effective ways to make maximum strength and muscle gains.

Apart from abs exercises, he does not use machines too much and mostly relies on free weights, preferably dumbbells. His training splits focus on targeting every muscle group in the body and has dedicated days for chest, shoulder and back, legs, arms and abs training.

Monday – Chest Workout
Herman starts his training week with chest training. His chest day combines presses and flyers. While compound pressing movements like dumbbell press improve the pushing strength of the upper body, movements like cable crossover improve the chest and arms’ ability to adduct (bring together the muscles). As a result, it is advisable to incorporate both types of movements in the chest training routine for complete development. Herman performs dumbbell bench press and cable crossover variations to work the pectoral muscles from different angles and positions to emphasize different parts of the muscle.

His chest training session includes:

Tuesday – Shoulders and Back Workout
After working the pushing muscles on Monday, Herman targets the major upper body pulling muscles – back – on Tuesday. Once again, back exercises can be broadly divided into two categories. While vertical pulls like pull-ups and lat pulldowns help build a wide back, horizontal pulls like rows help add thickness to the back. Hence, a combination of these two movement patterns enable overall, complete development of the back.

Herman combines the back training with shoulders. He ensures that anterior and medial deltoids get sufficient work with movements like shoulder press, front and lateral raises. Since the posterior deltoid / rear delt muscles get activated during other compound lifts Herman does not necessarily include rear delt specific movements in every training session.

His back and shoulder workout consists of:

Back Exercises

Shoulder Exercises

Wednesday – Leg Workout
Neglecting legs is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in the fitness journey. Afterall, it is not wise to ignore literally one half of the body that forms a strong foundation. Scott Heman is obviously not among that lot and approaches his lower body training with utmost sincerity. Squat is the primary compound movement of his leg training. It works all the major muscles in the lower body including quads, hamstrings, glutes and even calves. In many ways, squats are the ultimate lower body exercise. In addition to squats, Herman performs isolation movements like leg curls, leg extensions, calves raises and machine hip adduction to target the lower body muscles individually.

The training session includes:

Thursday – Arms Workout
Arms are the most visible muscle group on the physique. As a result, having toned and muscular arms is a must for an aesthetically good physique. However, aesthetics is a secondary goal as having strong arms is essential for performing a majority of everyday activities. Scott Herman works his arms with a variety of exercises to work from different angles and in different positions to target different parts of the muscles. Biceps and triceps respond best to moderate weights and high volume.

The 39-year-old’s arms training routine looks like this:

Friday – Shoulder and Abs Workout
Herman wraps up the training week with this split. Abs are the primary target muscles in this workout and he sprinkles a few shoulder movements as well. As mentioned before, Scott Herman uses a cable machine for crunches and includes other core exercises like side planks, russian twists and hanging leg raises to work different parts of abdominal muscles from different angles.

The Friday training session looks like this:

Saturday – Rest
There is no better way to recover from the stressful training sessions than simply allowing the body to rest and heal itself. Scott Herman believes that good quality sleep is the number one remedy for recovery. Therefore he takes Saturday off to get rejuvenated for the next week’s training.

Sunday – Cardio
To maintain and improve the cardiovascular health and to burn calories, Scott Herman does cardio two to three days per week in addition to his free weight training routine. Typically, he does only cardio on Sundays and the training session includes:

  • Footwork warm-up to maintain ankle strength
  • 20-minute run on a treadmill at a 3% incline and 8 mph speed
Scott Herman Diet
Scott does not like to leave any loose ends when it comes to his nutrition. After all, a perfect physique is a combination of training and diet. Things can take a hit if one of these two aspects are neglected.

Scott Herman prefers to plan his full day of eating well in advance. He decides the macronutrient intake for the day and ensures that it is met through healthy and home cooked whole foods. He does not make changes to his diet frequently and eats pretty much the same food everyday to ensure the macronutrient intake is sufficient.

Herman includes protein in each one of his meals and also incorporates a healthy portion of vegetables in the diet. While his diet does not necessarily contain ‘delicious’ foods, Scott Herman believes that it is a cost you have to pay for having a god-like physique. After all, you can’t be a couch potato with a pack of nachos and expect to have a physique like Scott Herman’s, can you?

That being said, the 39-year-old YouTuber does indulge in his favorite foods once in a while BUT in moderation. His caloric intake and micronutrient profile for a typical day looks like this:

  • Energy – 2800 to 3100 Calories
  • Protein 200 to 220 Grams
  • Carbohydrates 250 to 350 Grams
  • Fats 80 to 100 Grams
Full Day of Eating in Scott Herman’s Diet
Herman starts the day with a wholesome breakfast that is high in protein. The rest of his meals also focus on sufficient protein and vegetables. Chicken, eggs, fish and Whey protein are the primary sources of protein in Scott Herman’s diet. On the other hand, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and whole wheat bread provide sufficient carbohydrates. Milk, egg yolk and a variety of vegetables provide fats, vitamins and other essential nutrients. His typical meal plan for a day looks like this:


  • Rolled Oats
  • Whole Wheat Toast
  • Whole Eggs
  • Milk
  • Whey Protein

  • Grilled Chicken
  • Brown Rice
  • Vegetables

  • Fish
  • Mixed Vegetables
  • Whole Wheat Pasta

To Conclude
Scott Herman’s training approach and reliance on free weights might seem regressive to many as new evolved training methods promise far better and quicker results. However, his journey shows that if you believe in your training principles and stick to them without wavering, it is possible to reach your fitness goals slowly but surely.

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