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How To Boost Testosterone Naturally

Tyler DiGiovanni

Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males. It's the driver that builds
muscle, drops body fat, and enhances libido. As a male, your goal should be to
get more of it. However, men today have less testosterone than at any other
time in human history. And, as we age, we get even less of it.

Yet, there are ways to boost your testosterone without resorting to
testosterone replacement therapy or artificial steroids. In this article, we
drill down on the most effective ways to increase testosterone naturally.

Why is testosterone important?

Testosterone is necessary for the growth of male sex organs and secondary sex
traits, such as facial hair and a deep voice. It contributes to both sexual
desire and performance in both men and women.

Testosterone also plays a key role in the development and maintenance of bone
and muscle mass. In addition, it has been associated with memory, brain
activity, and mood modulation. Anxiety, fatigue, and depressive symptoms have
all been attributed to low testosterone levels.

Finally, testosterone plays a part in the synthesis of energy and the
metabolism of that energy. That's why people who are low in testosterone lack
energy and are prone to fatigue.

How to boost testosterone naturally:

Testosterone is produced naturally in the testes of men and the ovaries of
women. Researchers have proven that there are a number of lifestyle factors
that can increase testosterone output. Here are six ways to boost your body's
testosterone production naturally.

1. Weight Training/ Exercising

Lifting weights has been shown to boost testosterone levels by increasing
muscle mass. Your body can manufacture more testosterone the more muscle mass
you have. Vigorous weight training puts a lot of stress on the body, and your
body will produce testosterone at a higher rate the harder you work out.
Studies have demonstrated that following a vigorous workout, testosterone
levels can increase.¹

Weightlifting can activate the endocrine system, which in men also includes
the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, and the testes. Luteinizing hormone
(LH), which is released by the pituitary gland, encourages the testes to
produce more testosterone.

Lifting weights can help reduce body fat, which may increase testosterone
levels. An enzyme called aromatase is found in fat cells. Aromatase transforms
testosterone into estrogen.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
has also been shown to improve healthy testosterone levels.²

In one study, a group of 56 men underwent a 12-week workout program. Their
testosterone levels were assessed before and after the training. It was seen
that those who had the greatest gains in strength and muscle mass also
experienced the highest testosterone increases.³

2. Sleep

Maintaining a
regular sleep pattern
will allow your body to secrete hormones according to a balanced, set pattern.
However, when we are inconsistent in our sleep habits, we throw off our
hormonal clock, which causes us to suppress the release of such key hormones
as testosterone.

A 2022 study by Liu, et al. showed that people who suffer from sleep apnea
have a significantly reduced testosterone production ability.?

There are specific things you can do to improve the quantity and quality of
your sleep. Do not have a large meal within two hours of going to bed. You
will upset your digestive process, which will, in turn, prevent you from
getting a good night's sleep.

Try to go to bed at the same time each night and aim to get at least eight
hours of sleep. Make your bedroom as dark as possible. Refuse to take
technology into your bedroom (including your phone). Make the bedroom the
place where you rest, not where you engage in social media.

Avoid alcohol as well as stimulants such as coffee or tea within an hour of
bedtime. Contrary to what many people think, alcohol will not put you to sleep
– it will, in fact, do the opposite.

Avoid extreme mental or physical exertion before bedtime. Exercise will help
you to get a good night's sleep, but not if you do it in the evening. Taxing
your brain is also good for you, but it may also keep you awake if you strain
your brain too late in the day.

3. Diet/Weight

Low testosterone levels may be caused by nutritional deficiencies,
particularly regarding zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D. A diet lacking in these
nutrients can have a negative effect on testosterone levels because they are
necessary for the creation of testosterone.

A 1996 study compared testosterone levels and zinc levels in healthy adults.
Those with inadequate zinc levels had significantly lower testosterone levels
than those with adequate zinc levels. This suggests that consuming a diet high
in zinc is essential for supporting healthy testosterone levels.?

Unhealthy weight gain and high percentages of body fat can cause reduced
testosterone levels. As previously mentioned, an enzyme called aromatase is
found in fat cells, and it transforms testosterone into estrogen. Your body
produces more aromatase the more body fat you have, which lowers your
testosterone levels.

Extremely low-calorie diets can also cause a decrease in testosterone levels.
A decrease in testosterone production can occur when the body enters "survival
mode" due to insufficient nutrients.

Eating a diet high in protein can raise testosterone levels. A protein-rich
diet can support testosterone production since it offers the building blocks
needed for testosterone synthesis.

A 2010 meta-study looked at the relationship between weight training, diet,
and testosterone levels. The researchers concluded that a high protein diet
that also includes magnesium and zinc, combined with weight training, supports
healthy testosterone levels.?

4. Minimize stress

When the body is under stress, cortisol is produced, which impedes
testosterone production.? You can increase testosterone levels by reducing
stress, which will lower cortisol levels.

The synthesis of testosterone also depends on getting enough rest and
recovery. Low testosterone levels can result from chronic stress' impact on
sleep quality. By reducing stress, you can get better sleep and boost your
body's production of testosterone while you are sleeping.

Cortisol has been shown to interfere with the production of luteinizing
hormone (LH), which is necessary for the secretion of testosterone from the
testes. The stress hormone also promotes the breakdown of muscle tissue. The
lower your muscle mass, the lower your testosterone production will be.

5. Sunlight exposure

Sunlight exposure causes the skin to create vitamin D3, which is later changed
into calcitriol, an active form of vitamin D, via the liver and kidneys.
Studies have shown that calcitriol boosts the body's testosterone production.?

There is also some research to show that exposure to sunlight lowers cortisol
levels, which can help maintain normal testosterone levels.?

6. Reduce alcohol intake
Despite the stereotype, beer definitely does not make the man!

Ironically, the first three or four drinks have been shown to increase your
testosterone levels. From there, though, it's all downhill. The effect that
alcohol has on the body is dose-dependent. It also depends on the size of the
person. But the pattern is clear.

Alcoholics tend to have super high estrogen levels and pathetically low
testosterone levels. That's also why you see the massive beer belly and
terrible skin on guys who overindulge.

However, strategic use of alcohol can be useful. In a study out of Finland,
subjects consumed half a glass of vodka immediately after resistance training.
This had the effect of boosting their testosterone levels by 100%.¹? If you
want to try this after working out, stick with a straight liquor, such as
tequila, rather than beer – and just the one!

7. Avoid certain foods

Studies have identified certain foods that should be avoided if your goal is
to increase testosterone naturally.

Flaxseeds have become extremely popular in recent years. They have been
aggressively promoted as a wonder food due to their high levels of Omega-3
fatty acids. However, if you're interested in your manhood, you may want to
reconsider your flaxseed consumption.

Flaxseeds are extremely high in a compound known as lignans. Lignans are
estrogenic and actually work against testosterone production. A 2001 study
gave a 30-gram per day dose of flaxseed to 40 men over a period of 30 days.
Over that short time, the men experienced a 10% drop in their total
testosterone levels.¹¹

Licorice is an extremely popular snack food, especially in European countries.
The big problem with it is that it contains a compound known as glycrrhetinic
acid. This acid is what gives licorice its distinctive taste. However, it has
been shown that this acid will reduce your testosterone levels.

A 1998 Japanese study by Sekamoto et al., showed that even a modest dose of
glycrrhetinic acid is able to significantly block testosterone production in
Leydig cells. It does this by inhibiting the 17-beta-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase enzyme. This enzyme is a vital catalyst in testosterone

Most vegetable oils contain high amounts of polyunsaturated fats. While the
intake of monounsaturated fats and increase total fat intake actually boost
testosterone levels, the consumption of polyunsaturated fats significantly
lowers them.¹³

That makes polyunsaturated vegetable oils disastrous news for anyone who's
suffering from sagging "T" levels. Cooking your steak in this stuff is going
to decimate your levels even further.

What about supplements to help increase testosterone?

A number of natural herbs and other compounds have been shown to boost the
body's natural testosterone production. These are combined in
testosterone-boosting supplements. Here's an overview of the key ingredients:

D-Aspartic Acid: D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) is an amino acid
that stimulates LH production. This, in turn, promotes testosterone
production in the testes.¹? There's a reason why DAA is included in most
testosterone boosting supplements.

Zinc: Low zinc has been associated with reduced
testosterone levels, so increasing zinc levels may boost 'T' production.

Vitamin D: As we've seen, increasing
Vitamin D
levels can reduce cortisol levels. Because cortisol has a
testosterone-lowering effect, supplementing with Vitamin D can have the
overall effect of improving testosterone levels.

Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus Terrestris (Puncture Vine)
is used by many bodybuilders as a post-steroid cycle way to restart their
"T" production. It has been shown to enhance LH secretion, paving the way
for increased testosterone production.¹?

Fenugreek: Fenugreek is an herb that has been shown to
assist in inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which can
lead to higher testosterone levels.¹? This is one of many examples of
traditional medicine used for boosting testosterone.

is an herb that can reduce stress and anxiety. This helps lower cortisol
production, which can lead to higher testosterone levels.¹?

Testosterone Boosters: Testosterone boosters are natural
products that use a combination of several of the above ingredients, plus
many others to encourage your body to up its testosterone production.

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Symptoms of low testosterone levels

Low testosterone levels will profoundly affect a person's health and
well-being. Here are the main symptoms of testosterone deficiency:

Low libido
Lowered sperm count
Erectile dysfunction
Loss of body hair
Low bone density

Trouble concentrating

Testosterone Boosting FAQs
What causes low testosterone?

Men's testosterone levels naturally decrease with age. Typically, testosterone
levels reach their peak in the late teens or early 20s, and after the age of
30, they start to slowly fall by roughly 1% annually.

Low testosterone levels can also be a result of damage to the testicles or
specific medical disorders such the mumps or testicular cancer. Some drugs,
such as painkillers and steroids, can inhibit the production of testosterone.

Too much body fat might cause testosterone to be converted to estrogen,
resulting in reduced testosterone levels. Diabetes and chronic renal disease
are two examples of chronic conditions that might reduce testosterone levels.

Finally, chronic stress can result in the release of cortisol, which can
prevent the creation of testosterone.

What foods boost testosterone levels?
Here are seven foods that have been shown to boost testosterone levels:


How can I raise my testosterone levels fast?

There is no fast track to increasing testosterone production naturally. To up
your testosterone levels, you need to do the following regularly:

Strength training

Reduce body fat levels through reduced caloric intake and cardio exercise

Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night
Get plenty of exposure to sunlight
Reduce your stress level

Eat a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and

Think about adding a testosterone booster supplement to your regimen

Can you actually boost testosterone naturally?

Yes, you can boost your body's natural production of testosterone. The
combination of weight resistance training, cardio to reduce body fat, getting
plenty of sleep, taking supplements containing proven testosterone-boosting
ingredients, eating a balanced diet, and reducing stress levels will help you
to do so.


Testosterone is the most important anabolic hormone in your body. Yet, from
age 30 onward, your production of it declines. In this article, we've
identified the most effective, research-backed ways to safely increase your
body's natural production of testosterone; strength training workouts, quality
sleep, sunlight, reducing stress and alcohol intake, and following a balanced
diet. The most crucial factor of all is consistency. Make the lifestyle habits
we've discussed a part of your daily routine, and your testosterone levels
will be optimized.


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]] >

The Ultimate Guide to Cryotherapy

Kirsten Yovino

Foam rollers were so early 2000s.
Now it's 2023 (we guess that technically still counts as early), and recovery methods have changed. So instead of grimacing in pain as your gym partner rolls over your muscles with various sticks, you now get to use cold air or frigid water to support your recovery.
We can't explain why all recovery methods (except for sleep) must be accompanied by pain, but we do know one thing: Cryotherapy has seen a dramatic rise in popularity over the years. And along with that popularity, there has been a flood of good and not-so-good information.
Discerning the information is even harder because there are several forms of cryotherapy treatment. As a result, research from one form of cryotherapy can be wrongly applied to another.
But don't worry! If you're interested in cryotherapy, after reading this article, you'll know everything you need to use it effectively.
Table of Contents:

What Is Cryotherapy?
A Brief History of Cryotherapy
How Does Cryotherapy Work?
Cryotherapy vs. Cold Water Therapy: What Are The Differences?
Different Types of Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy Uses
Who Should & Shouldn't Use Cryotherapy
Benefits of Cryotherapy
Downsides of Cryotherapy
Is Cryotherapy Safe?
What to Expect Before, During, & After Cryotherapy
Best Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Cryotherapy
Common Cryotherapy Mistakes
Where Can You Do Cryotherapy?
What To Do After A Cryotherapy Session

What is Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy involves exposing your body to very cold temperatures in the form of air. Liquid nitrogen can also be used in more sophisticated machines. Depending on your specific goals and intent, the temperature may be directed toward your entire body or just one area.
In addition to being used as a recovery method, cryotherapy is also used to destroy abnormal cells, as seen with skin cancer, or even freeze warts. In this instance, below-freezing temperatures are used. Other times it may be used to alter hormonal profiles. For this situation, slightly warmer (but still very cold) temps might be used.
What else should you know about cryotherapy? Well, some of the top athletes in the world swear by, or have sworn by, cryotherapy, including Stephen Curry, Lebron James, the late Kobe Bryant, and the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt.
In addition, the cryotherapy total market share in 2021 was just under $7 billion. Analysts project this to grow by 7% every year until 2030¹.
A Brief History of Cryotherapy
The use of very cold temperatures both for medicinal purposes and therapy date back to the early Egyptians. In fact, even Hippocrates noted that cold temps can be used as a treatment for swelling and pain².
But as the medical practice we know today, cryotherapy is actually quite new. The first time it was used professionally in the medical field was in 1978 by a Japanese rheumatologist named Toshima Yamaguchi.
As he was mainly interested in non-invasive methods to reduce pain, he examined the use of freezing cold therapy to mitigate the symptoms of arthritis. He concluded that cold therapy effectively decreases pain and provides relief due to the body being flooded with endorphins.
The use of cold therapy grew due to its effectiveness, and various cold chambers were invented to expose the entire body to cold temperatures.
How Does Cryotherapy Work?
Cryotherapy involves placing your body in an extreme environment, usually only for a few minutes. Therefore, it should be no surprise that it invokes several physiological adaptations.
The first major response is the narrowing of your blood vessels called vasodilation, which slows down blood flow, potentially reducing inflammation and swelling.
Due to the extreme cold, everything will move slower, including the rate at which your cells produce energy. At the same time, your body will have to produce more energy to keep itself warm, which is why we shiver. It's a mechanism that causes us to produce heat internally, similar to working out.
The last major response involves your body being flooded with various chemicals. The primary chemicals secreted are dopamine and norepinephrine, both of which are responsible for the "feel-good" sensation and decrease in pain and discomfort.
Cryotherapy vs Cold Water Therapy: What Are The Differences?
Even though cryotherapy is sometimes used as a universal term for cold treatment, it is distinctively different from cold water therapy. The main difference is that cold water therapy uses, well, water!
In addition, the term cold therapy can refer to a host of treatments, including cold water immersion, cold showers, ice baths, and even an ice pack.
During cold therapy with water, the temperatures are generally significantly warmer than with cryotherapy. This is because the water would freeze if it reached the low temperatures of cryotherapy.
As a result, cold water therapy is more commonly used for muscle & workout recovery and other therapeutic uses.

Different Types of Cryotherapy
As mentioned above, there are various forms of cryotherapy treatment to choose from. We are going to focus on the two most common types used for workout and muscle recovery and then will mention the other types briefly, which are used more for medicinal purposes³.
1) Whole-body cryotherapy:
Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) is a form of cryotherapy in which a person fully enters an enclosed cryotherapy chamber. Once inside, the door is closed to create a tight room.
From here, electricity is used to drop the temperature inside.
2) Partial-body cryotherapy:
Partial-body cryotherapy is much more common than whole-body cryotherapy. And even though it's called partial, it should really be called "everything but the head," as it's basically a cryotherapy chamber in which your head sticks out.
Partial-body cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen to drop the temperature in a partially closed system. Aside from your head, everything else is exposed to freezing temperatures.
This is generally the most common form of cryotherapy treatment, especially for supporting muscle recovery and treating muscle pain.
3) Other Forms of Cryotherapy:
There are multiple other forms of cryotherapy used for medicinal purposes. Here's a brief overview.
Cryoblation, also known as cryosurgery, is a form of cryotherapy treatment that uses extremely cold air that is localized to a smaller point. It is used to kill damaged or diseased tissue. One of the most common examples of this is the freezing of warts.
In addition, a local cryo-stimulation device is one of the forms of cryotherapy that attacks a localized area. It uses a device to deliver liquid nitrous oxide to a small location and bring the temperatures down to 25° to -40° F. This is what's commonly used to treat diseased tissue such as skin tags.
Technology in cold therapy has advanced so far that doctors can now treat areas of the body underneath the skin. This is done through a device called a cryoprobe, a probe that's placed into an incision in the body and capable of generating very low temperatures. The immune system then clears any the abornmal cells that were frozen as part of the internal cryotherapy process.
Cryoneurolysis is a procedure that uses a small probe that's placed below the skin next to a peripheral nerve. The probe then cools the nerve using nitrous oxide, which effectively "freezes" it for a period of time. Studies have shown that it may be an effective method to help numb and mitigate pain, such as back pain.

Cryotherapy Uses
Over the years, the use of cryotherapy has expanded and is now used for a variety of conditions.
Again, we're going to focus on health and wellness benefits here, but it's important to note that cryotherapy is also used for removing diseased tissue, like warts, or cancerous cells, like basal cell carcinoma. In addition, it's used to destroy abnormal tissue and treat low-risk cancer, like pancreatic cancer, improve skin health, and treat mood disorders.
With that, here's a look at three ways it's used by athletes and gym goers.
1) Improve Muscle Recovery:
Cryotherapy has become so popular in the past few years due to its prevalent use among athletes for recovery. One of the mechanisms that is believed to improve recovery is the vasoconstriction of blood vessels.
When the body experiences extremely cold temperatures, the blood vessels constrict or get narrower. This results in less blood circulation and blood supply to the affected area, resulting in the area seeing less inflammation and swelling.
As an added bonus, this improvement in recovery may be accompanied by improvements in work capacity and performance?.
2) Mitigate Muscle Pain:
Another variable similar to muscle recovery is muscle pain. Note that these two variables may be related but are, in fact, distinct attributes. And the evidence for reducing muscle pain appears to be smaller than that of recovery.
Take these two meta-analyses, for example, which concluded that there is little evidence to suggest cryotherapy reduces muscle pain, specifically discomfort that occurs with DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)5,6.
It is important to note that regular use of cryotherapy has been shown to numb the nerves and sensations around local points, temporarily relieving pain, so this may help those with chronic pain or even those looking for brief relief from muscle pain post-workout.
It's just not going to be a long-term solution.
3) Weight Loss:
Many people will attempt to use cryotherapy to help them shiver off the fat. When the body is placed in a cold environment, it must generate its own heat in a process known as cryo-thermogenesis. This event is factual and an acknowledged phenomenon.
However, true cryotherapy is not likely to be effective for weight loss due to its short duration. Remember that cryotherapy only lasts 3-5 minutes. Therefore, you'd need to be burning 2,000 calories an hour just to burn 100 during that time frame.
The point is that any extra calories burned should be seen as one of the extra (and smaller) benefits of cryotherapy, not the main reason for doing it. Again, all signs point back to using it for muscle recovery for best results.
For those trying to lose weight, you're much better off following a workout split and proper diet.

Who Should Use Cryotherapy?
The list of who should use cryotherapy is extensive. Cancer patients, those with nerve damage, and those with chronic muscle pain may all want to consider using cryotherapy.
And relevant to this article, the benefits of cryotherapy can be very advantageous for athletes, especially those with demanding schedules, as it's vital that they recover from training or a game as quickly as possible.
Athletes aren't going to have 2-3 days to fully recover as they will play daily, sometimes even twice a day! If they can recover faster, they will have the advantage.
You can learn more about how athletes utilize cold water therapy in our article: Why Do Athletes Take Ice Baths?

Who Should Avoid Cryotherapy?
While cryotherapy is generally safe, there are some groups who should avoid it. Here's a look.
1) Advanced Diabetic Patients:
Even though cryotherapy can help diabetic patients by improving nerve function and circulation, it can be detrimental to advanced patients7. This is due to having very poor circulation and an inability to feel.
If you have diabetes, speak with your doctor before trying cryotherapy.
2) Those With Low Blood Pressure Or Blood Circulation Problems:
Due to the vasoconstriction of the blood vessels, there will automatically be less blood flow. In healthy individuals, this isn't really an issue.
However, if you already suffer from issues with blood circulation, further decreasing the body's ability to pump blood can amount to various health issues such as low blood pressure, dizziness, and loss of consciousness8.
3) Lifters Interested In Muscle Gain:
One of the interesting adverse effects of cryotherapy is that it seems to mitigate the anabolic process and muscle growth. This is believed to be due to the disruption in the inflammation process, as this is a critical part of the process of muscle hypertrophy.
To be clear, muscle growth and muscle recovery are two distinct phenomena9. So, while an athlete may be able to recover from a workout faster using cryotherapy, it will not be accompanied by greater muscle gains.
Therefore, anyone who is training with the sole intent of building muscle should avoid using cryotherapy for post-workout recovery.

Benefits of Cryotherapy
The benefits of cryotherapy are vast. As we went over above, cryotherapy can be used as a treatment for:

Low-risk cancer
Removal of abnormal tissue
Skin conditions
Mental state

In addition to their unique applications, as a whole, cryotherapy offers a cost-effective, non-invasive therapy that has potentially high benefits.
And, over the last decade or so, there has been a resurgence of cryotherapy use due to gym-goers utilizing it as a form of post-training recovery.
Most of the benefits of cryotherapy for muscle recovery come from vasodilation, numbing of the area, and the release of chemicals. Combined, these are able to provide acute pain relief while decreasing inflammation and swelling for long-term relief.

Cryotherapy Risks & Side Effects
Cryotherapy is generally safe but can have several downsides, especially if you don't follow the guidelines.
Here are the most common side effects:

Pain at the site of therapy
Redness of the affected area

One area that is of special concern is nerve damage. When the body is consistently exposed to extreme cold, the lipids in the myelin sheath of a nerve can solidify. This can lead to the arrest of the nerve motor, resulting in no sensation. If a cold application is continued, it can eventually lead to the permanent loss of sensation from that nerve.
Again, many of these risks can be mitigated, if not eliminated altogether, by simply following the guidelines concerning the ideal cryotherapy time frame.

Is Cryotherapy Safe?
Yes, cryotherapy is generally safe as long as you follow the established guidelines. Remember that you are placing your body in an extreme environment. Therefore, you can put yourself at risk once you start going past the recommendations.
Cryotherapy Safety Tips
Follow these safety tips to optimize your cryotherapy sessions.

Never stay in for longer than the prescribed time.
Do not use cryotherapy daily for an extended period of time. This is especially true for localized cryotherapy.
Use the proper safety gear and protocols depending on the method used. This includes keeping your extremities covered and using a barrier to avoid direct application.

What to Expect Before, During, & After Cryotherapy
Interested in cryotherapy but want an idea of what to expect? Here's what to know before, during, and after a cryotherapy session.
Before Your Session:
There's not much for you to do before your session. Apart from getting prepared, you just need to show up! You'll likely feel a bit anxious or even excited. This isn't bad but try to mitigate it as much as possible, as it can exacerbate any shock.
During Your Session:
Once inside the cryotherapy chamber, your session will begin. Remember that once it begins, it only lasts 3 minutes. During this time, you will experience a rush of extreme cold temperatures.
This may be more or less uncomfortable, depending on the individual, and is sometimes considered painful. It's important that you try to remain as calm as possible during this time. We recommend you focus on breathing exercises to keep your vitals at appropriate levels.
After Your Session:
Once your session is done, you will warm up, and your discomfort should begin to subside. You may be offered a pain reliever if your discomfort is significant or doesn't go away.
If you received a direct or local application, you may need to follow some basic aftercare. Check with your provider on this.

Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy sessions are pretty straightforward. However, here are some tips to help you make the most out of your sessions.

Wear appropriate clothing. Depending on what type of cryotherapy you perform, you'll have different guidelines for clothing. For example, whole-body cryotherapy generally allows loose-fitting clothing while half-body cryotherapy has you wear as little as possible apart from underwear, socks, and gloves. Be sure to check before you go.

Be as dry as possible! Do not come to your session sweaty or wet. We mentioned this above but it's worth repeating. Any water on your body will freeze and can present problems.

Don't wear jewelry. You should take off all jewelry before you go to your cryotherapy session. If metal contacts your skin, it can freeze to your body and create serious cold burns.

Don't use any lotions or oils. The reasoning for this is similar to why you should be totally dry. Lotion or oil can freeze and crystalize on your skin, increasing the probability of getting frostbite or serious cold burns.

5 Common Cryotherapy Mistakes To Avoid
Cryotherapy uses extreme cold, and these temperatures are actually dangerous for a person if they're exposed for too long.
Here are the top things you can do to make this generally safe treatment unsafe.
1) You're not dry:
Never start a cryotherapy session wet, which includes being sweaty from a workout. Being wet can cause the water to freeze on your body and cause frostbite, similar to if you place ice directly onto the skin.
So, stay dry! If you do use cryotherapy following your workout, give yourself enough time to cool down and dry off.
2) You Fall Asleep:
The duration one stays in cryotherapy is very short, 2-5 minutes. This is due to the extremely cold temperatures used and the damage it does to your healthy skin if exposed for too long.
I can't imagine how you would be able to fall asleep while being blasted with cold air, but heed my warning! This is not the time to relax and drift off.
3) You Perform Cryotherapy Alone:
Again, this is another health hazard.
Cryotherapy treatment uses extreme colds that can either put a person in shock or cause serious injury. Therefore, never perform cryotherapy on yourself. You must have another person present to help in case of an emergency.
4) You Go For Too Long Or Too Often:
You must listen to the safety protocols regarding time. These safety measures are set in place to protect the body from these extreme temperatures. If ignored, temperature injuries such as frostbite can occur.
For example, this case study examined the events surrounding two cases of feet frostbite. Both patients had prolonged and uninterrupted application of cryotherapy for 4 to 7 days10. While both patients were eventually treated successfully without loss of limb, this could have been easily avoided.
5) You don't Use Proper Padding When Required:
Some forms of cryotherapy require using a barrier to protect unexposed skin from extreme cold. For example, when using a direct application like ice packs, the recommendation is that you use a sufficient amount of padding to protect your skin from direct contact.
In addition, it's also common practice for patients to wear gloves when using methods such as partial body cryotherapy.
These extra layers are present as these areas are susceptible to injury if unprotected. Cases of frostbite have been reported when these precautions are ignored. But I haven't seen this occur anywhere in which the proper protocols were carried out.

Where Can You Do Cryotherapy?
Options for how and where you do cryotherapy are growing every day.
Here are some of your options:

At Home: Some forms of cryotherapy can be performed in the comfort of your home. This primarily consists of things such as using ice packs and cold therapy machines.

Fitness Centers: Many fitness centers have begun to offer cryotherapy, either directly or through a partnership with a company. If this option is available, I recommend confirming that the practitioner has the appropriate experience and skills.

Specialized Recovery Centers: There has been a dramatic increase in specialized recovery centers. These are health facilities that specialize in the recovery and rejuvenation of the body. They may offer services such as IV, compression suits, and cryotherapy.

Hospitals: You must go to a hospital if you seek cryotherapy to treat medical conditions, such as removing skin tags and other growths.

What To Do After A Cryotherapy Session
After your cryotherapy session, you will likely feel a rush of endorphins and "feel-good chemicals." Generally, when one uses partial-body cryotherapy or whole-body cryotherapy, there is a minimal amount of aftercare you must take.
However, for extreme examples or those that use direct application, aftercare may be more important. For those using liquid nitrogen, temperatures can reach 200 degrees below zero. This is cold enough to actually cause cold burns, which can result in the area swelling as well as the appearance of blisters.
The swelling should go down by itself, however, blisters can stick around for a few days. If you experience a blister, you can let it break on its own or use a sterilized needle to puncture it. This should be done after the blister has stopped enlarging. You should then clean the area and use an antiseptic to cover the area and prevent infection.
In addition, stay well hydrated to ensure skin health. If you are sensitive, you may use sunscreen to prevent irritation from the sun.

Remaining cryotherapy questions? Let's answer them here.
What Does Cryotherapy Do To Your Body?
Exposing yourself to cold temperatures can cause several physiological reactions. This can include restricting your blood vessels, your cells producing energy at a slower rate, producing chemicals such as norepinephrine and dopamine, and increasing your metabolism to warm the body.
Does cryotherapy help you lose weight?
When your body is placed in extreme cold, you must combat these cold temperatures by using energy to produce heat. This heat will then warm up the inner body temperature. The evidence is mixed on this. While studies indicate a trend toward improved body composition, it is quite small compared to other weight loss methods, such as controlling your diet11.
What Are The Side Effects of Cryotherapy?
Luckily, the adverse effects of cryotherapy are relatively small and benign and can include things such as skin redness and unpleasant cold sensations. More serious issues can also occur, such as bleeding, ulcers, infection, nerve damage, and frostbite. However, these more serious effects only occur once you start to operate out of the suggested protocol.
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How To Boost Testosterone Naturally

Tyler DiGiovanni

How to boost testosterone naturally:

Testosterone is produced naturally in the testes of men and the ovaries of
women. Researchers have proven that there are a number of lifestyle factors
that can increase testosterone output. Here are six ways to boost your body's
testosterone production naturally.

1. Weight Training/ Exercising

Lifting weights has been shown to boost testosterone levels by increasing
muscle mass. Your body can manufacture more testosterone the more muscle mass
you have. Vigorous weight training puts a lot of stress on the body, and your
body will produce testosterone at a higher rate the harder you work out.
Studies have demonstrated that following a vigorous workout, testosterone
levels can increase.¹

Weightlifting can activate the endocrine system, which in men also includes
the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus, and the testes. Luteinizing hormone
(LH), which is released by the pituitary gland, encourages the testes to
produce more testosterone.

Lifting weights can help reduce body fat, which may increase testosterone
levels. An enzyme called aromatase is found in fat cells. Aromatase transforms
testosterone into estrogen.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
has also been shown to improve healthy testosterone levels.²

In one study, a group of 56 men underwent a 12-week workout program. Their
testosterone levels were assessed before and after the training. It was seen
that those who had the greatest gains in strength and muscle mass also
experienced the highest testosterone increases.³


2. Sleep

Maintaining a
regular sleep pattern
will allow your body to secrete hormones according to a balanced, set pattern.
However, when we are inconsistent in our sleep habits, we throw off our
hormonal clock, which causes us to suppress the release of such key hormones
as testosterone.

A 2022 study by Liu, et al. showed that people who suffer from sleep apnea
have a significantly reduced testosterone production ability.?

There are specific things you can do to improve the quantity and quality of
your sleep. Do not have a large meal within two hours of going to bed. You
will upset your digestive process, which will, in turn, prevent you from
getting a good night's sleep.

Try to go to bed at the same time each night and aim to get at least eight
hours of sleep. Make your bedroom as dark as possible. Refuse to take
technology into your bedroom (including your phone). Make the bedroom the
place where you rest, not where you engage in social media.

Avoid alcohol as well as stimulants such as coffee or tea within an hour of
bedtime. Contrary to what many people think, alcohol will not put you to sleep
– it will, in fact, do the opposite.

Avoid extreme mental or physical exertion before bedtime. Exercise will help
you to get a good night's sleep, but not if you do it in the evening. Taxing
your brain is also good for you, but it may also keep you awake if you strain
your brain too late in the day.


3. Diet/Weight

Low testosterone levels may be caused by nutritional deficiencies,
particularly regarding zinc, magnesium, and vitamin D. A diet lacking in these
nutrients can have a negative effect on testosterone levels because they are
necessary for the creation of testosterone.

A 1996 study compared testosterone levels and zinc levels in healthy adults.
Those with inadequate zinc levels had significantly lower testosterone levels
than those with adequate zinc levels. This suggests that consuming a diet high
in zinc is essential for supporting healthy testosterone levels.?

Unhealthy weight gain and high percentages of body fat can cause reduced
testosterone levels. As previously mentioned, an enzyme called aromatase is
found in fat cells, and it transforms testosterone into estrogen. Your body
produces more aromatase the more body fat you have, which lowers your
testosterone levels.

Extremely low-calorie diets can also cause a decrease in testosterone levels.
A decrease in testosterone production can occur when the body enters "survival
mode" due to insufficient nutrients.

Eating a diet high in protein can raise testosterone levels. A protein-rich
diet can support testosterone production since it offers the building blocks
needed for testosterone synthesis.

A 2010 meta-study looked at the relationship between weight training, diet,
and testosterone levels. The researchers concluded that a high protein diet
that also includes magnesium and zinc, combined with weight training, supports
healthy testosterone levels.?


4. Minimize stress

When the body is under stress, cortisol is produced, which impedes
testosterone production.? You can increase testosterone levels by reducing
stress, which will lower cortisol levels.

The synthesis of testosterone also depends on getting enough rest and
recovery. Low testosterone levels can result from chronic stress' impact on
sleep quality. By reducing stress, you can get better sleep and boost your
body's production of testosterone while you are sleeping.

Cortisol has been shown to interfere with the production of luteinizing
hormone (LH), which is necessary for the secretion of testosterone from the
testes. The stress hormone also promotes the breakdown of muscle tissue. The
lower your muscle mass, the lower your testosterone production will be.


5. Sunlight exposure

Sunlight exposure causes the skin to create vitamin D3, which is later changed
into calcitriol, an active form of vitamin D, via the liver and kidneys.
Studies have shown that calcitriol boosts the body's testosterone production.?

There is also some research to show that exposure to sunlight lowers cortisol
levels, which can help maintain normal testosterone levels.?


6. Reduce alcohol intake
Despite the stereotype, beer definitely does not make the man!

Ironically, the first three or four drinks have been shown to increase your
testosterone levels. From there, though, it's all downhill. The effect that
alcohol has on the body is dose-dependent. It also depends on the size of the
person. But the pattern is clear.

Alcoholics tend to have super high estrogen levels and pathetically low
testosterone levels. That's also why you see the massive beer belly and
terrible skin on guys who overindulge.

However, strategic use of alcohol can be useful. In a study out of Finland,
subjects consumed half a glass of vodka immediately after resistance training.
This had the effect of boosting their testosterone levels by 100%.¹? If you
want to try this after working out, stick with a straight liquor, such as
tequila, rather than beer – and just the one!


7. Avoid certain foods

Studies have identified certain foods that should be avoided if your goal is
to increase testosterone naturally.

Flaxseeds have become extremely popular in recent years. They have been
aggressively promoted as a wonder food due to their high levels of Omega-3
fatty acids. However, if you're interested in your manhood, you may want to
reconsider your flaxseed consumption.

Flaxseeds are extremely high in a compound known as lignans. Lignans are
estrogenic and actually work against testosterone production. A 2001 study
gave a 30-gram per day dose of flaxseed to 40 men over a period of 30 days.
Over that short time, the men experienced a 10% drop in their total
testosterone levels.¹¹

Licorice is an extremely popular snack food, especially in European countries.
The big problem with it is that it contains a compound known as glycrrhetinic
acid. This acid is what gives licorice its distinctive taste. However, it has
been shown that this acid will reduce your testosterone levels.

A 1998 Japanese study by Sekamoto et al., showed that even a modest dose of
glycrrhetinic acid is able to significantly block testosterone production in
Leydig cells. It does this by inhibiting the 17-beta-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase enzyme. This enzyme is a vital catalyst in testosterone

Most vegetable oils contain high amounts of polyunsaturated fats. While the
intake of monounsaturated fats and increase total fat intake actually boost
testosterone levels, the consumption of polyunsaturated fats significantly
lowers them.¹³

That makes polyunsaturated vegetable oils disastrous news for anyone who's
suffering from sagging "T" levels. Cooking your steak in this stuff is going
to decimate your levels even further.

What about supplements to help increase testosterone?

A number of natural herbs and other compounds have been shown to boost the
body's natural testosterone production. These are combined in
testosterone-boosting supplements. Here's an overview of the key ingredients:

  • D-Aspartic Acid: D-Aspartic Acid (DAA) is an amino acid
    that stimulates LH production. This, in turn, promotes testosterone
    production in the testes.¹? There's a reason why DAA is included in most
    testosterone boosting supplements.

  • Zinc: Low zinc has been associated with reduced
    testosterone levels, so increasing zinc levels may boost 'T' production.

  • Vitamin D: As we've seen, increasing
    Vitamin D
    levels can reduce cortisol levels. Because cortisol has a
    testosterone-lowering effect, supplementing with Vitamin D can have the
    overall effect of improving testosterone levels.

  • Tribulus Terrestris: Tribulus Terrestris (Puncture Vine)
    is used by many bodybuilders as a post-steroid cycle way to restart their
    "T" production. It has been shown to enhance LH secretion, paving the way
    for increased testosterone production.¹?

  • Fenugreek: Fenugreek is an herb that has been shown to
    assist in inhibiting the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which can
    lead to higher testosterone levels.¹? This is one of many examples of
    traditional medicine used for boosting testosterone.

  • Ashwagandha:
    is an herb that can reduce stress and anxiety. This helps lower cortisol
    production, which can lead to higher testosterone levels.¹?

  • Testosterone Boosters: Testosterone boosters are natural
    products that use a combination of several of the above ingredients, plus
    many others to encourage your body to up its testosterone production.

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Symptoms of low testosterone levels

Low testosterone levels will profoundly affect a person's health and
well-being. Here are the main symptoms of testosterone deficiency:

  • Low libido
  • Lowered sperm count
  • Fatigue
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of body hair
  • Low bone density
  • Depression

  • Trouble concentrating
Testosterone Boosting FAQs
What causes low testosterone?

Men's testosterone levels naturally decrease with age. Typically, testosterone
levels reach their peak in the late teens or early 20s, and after the age of
30, they start to slowly fall by roughly 1% annually.

Low testosterone levels can also be a result of damage to the testicles or
specific medical disorders such the mumps or testicular cancer. Some drugs,
such as painkillers and steroids, can inhibit the production of testosterone.

Too much body fat might cause testosterone to be converted to estrogen,
resulting in reduced testosterone levels. Diabetes and chronic renal disease
are two examples of chronic conditions that might reduce testosterone levels.

Finally, chronic stress can result in the release of cortisol, which can
prevent the creation of testosterone.

What foods boost testosterone levels?
Here are seven foods that have been shown to boost testosterone levels:

  • Tuna
  • Oysters
  • Beef
  • Eggs
  • Spinach
  • Ginger
  • Pomegranates
How can I raise my testosterone levels fast?

There is no fast track to increasing testosterone production naturally. To up
your testosterone levels, you need to do the following regularly:

  • Strength training

  • Reduce body fat levels through reduced caloric intake and cardio exercise
  • Get 7-9 hours of sleep each night
  • Get plenty of exposure to sunlight
  • Reduce your stress level

  • Eat a balanced diet that includes lean proteins, healthy fats, fruits, and
  • Think about adding a testosterone booster supplement to your regimen
Can you actually boost testosterone naturally?

Yes, you can boost your body's natural production of testosterone. The
combination of weight resistance training, cardio to reduce body fat, getting
plenty of sleep, taking supplements containing proven testosterone-boosting
ingredients, eating a balanced diet, and reducing stress levels will help you
to do so.



Testosterone is the most important anabolic hormone in your body. Yet, from
age 30 onward, your production of it declines. In this article, we've
identified the most effective, research-backed ways to safely increase your
body's natural production of testosterone; strength training workouts, quality
sleep, sunlight, reducing stress and alcohol intake, and following a balanced
diet. The most crucial factor of all is consistency. Make the lifestyle habits
we've discussed a part of your daily routine, and your testosterone levels
will be optimized.


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Ghosian Moghaddam, Mohammad Hassan, et al. "The Effect of Oral Feeding of
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Mansoori, Anahita, et al. "Effect of Fenugreek Extract Supplement on
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Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study.” Cureus, vol. 11, no. 12, 25
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The Ultimate Guide to Cryotherapy

Kirsten Yovino

Foam rollers were so early 2000s.

Now it's 2023 (we guess that technically still counts as early), and recovery methods have changed. So instead of grimacing in pain as your gym partner rolls over your muscles with various sticks, you now get to use cold air or frigid water to support your recovery.

We can't explain why all recovery methods (except for sleep) must be accompanied by pain, but we do know one thing: Cryotherapy has seen a dramatic rise in popularity over the years. And along with that popularity, there has been a flood of good and not-so-good information.

Discerning the information is even harder because there are several forms of cryotherapy treatment. As a result, research from one form of cryotherapy can be wrongly applied to another.

But don't worry! If you're interested in cryotherapy, after reading this article, you'll know everything you need to use it effectively.

Table of Contents:

  • What Is Cryotherapy?
  • A Brief History of Cryotherapy
  • How Does Cryotherapy Work?
  • Cryotherapy vs. Cold Water Therapy: What Are The Differences?
  • Different Types of Cryotherapy
  • Cryotherapy Uses
  • Who Should & Shouldn't Use Cryotherapy
  • Benefits of Cryotherapy
  • Downsides of Cryotherapy
  • Is Cryotherapy Safe?
  • What to Expect Before, During, & After Cryotherapy
  • Best Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Cryotherapy
  • Common Cryotherapy Mistakes
  • Where Can You Do Cryotherapy?
  • What To Do After A Cryotherapy Session
  • FAQs

What is Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy involves exposing your body to very cold temperatures in the form of air. Liquid nitrogen can also be used in more sophisticated machines. Depending on your specific goals and intent, the temperature may be directed toward your entire body or just one area.

In addition to being used as a recovery method, cryotherapy is also used to destroy abnormal cells, as seen with skin cancer, or even freeze warts. In this instance, below-freezing temperatures are used. Other times it may be used to alter hormonal profiles. For this situation, slightly warmer (but still very cold) temps might be used.

What else should you know about cryotherapy? Well, some of the top athletes in the world swear by, or have sworn by, cryotherapy, including Stephen Curry, Lebron James, the late Kobe Bryant, and the fastest man in the world, Usain Bolt.

In addition, the cryotherapy total market share in 2021 was just under $7 billion. Analysts project this to grow by 7% every year until 2030¹.

A Brief History of Cryotherapy
The use of very cold temperatures both for medicinal purposes and therapy date back to the early Egyptians. In fact, even Hippocrates noted that cold temps can be used as a treatment for swelling and pain².

But as the medical practice we know today, cryotherapy is actually quite new. The first time it was used professionally in the medical field was in 1978 by a Japanese rheumatologist named Toshima Yamaguchi.

As he was mainly interested in non-invasive methods to reduce pain, he examined the use of freezing cold therapy to mitigate the symptoms of arthritis. He concluded that cold therapy effectively decreases pain and provides relief due to the body being flooded with endorphins.

The use of cold therapy grew due to its effectiveness, and various cold chambers were invented to expose the entire body to cold temperatures.

How Does Cryotherapy Work?
Cryotherapy involves placing your body in an extreme environment, usually only for a few minutes. Therefore, it should be no surprise that it invokes several physiological adaptations.

The first major response is the narrowing of your blood vessels called vasodilation, which slows down blood flow, potentially reducing inflammation and swelling.

Due to the extreme cold, everything will move slower, including the rate at which your cells produce energy. At the same time, your body will have to produce more energy to keep itself warm, which is why we shiver. It's a mechanism that causes us to produce heat internally, similar to working out.

The last major response involves your body being flooded with various chemicals. The primary chemicals secreted are dopamine and norepinephrine, both of which are responsible for the "feel-good" sensation and decrease in pain and discomfort.

Cryotherapy vs Cold Water Therapy: What Are The Differences?
Even though cryotherapy is sometimes used as a universal term for cold treatment, it is distinctively different from cold water therapy. The main difference is that cold water therapy uses, well, water!

In addition, the term cold therapy can refer to a host of treatments, including cold water immersion, cold showers, ice baths, and even an ice pack.

During cold therapy with water, the temperatures are generally significantly warmer than with cryotherapy. This is because the water would freeze if it reached the low temperatures of cryotherapy.

As a result, cold water therapy is more commonly used for muscle...

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