greetings everybody hope you had a great holiday I’m currently 55 years old and I’m looking to get back into steroids to help me gain more lean muscle mass and boost my endurance. I’m currently 185 lbs and 6’1”
I’m doing a 4 day split training routine and I follow calorie cycling with 2 cheat meals per week only. I rotate my calories 500 in a deficit and 500 in a surplus daily.
Which steroid would be better here between doing EQ and test cyp for 10 weeks?
I want to pick 1 injectable with anavar at 50mgs a day.
I’m doing a 4 day split training routine and I follow calorie cycling with 2 cheat meals per week only. I rotate my calories 500 in a deficit and 500 in a surplus daily.
Which steroid would be better here between doing EQ and test cyp for 10 weeks?
I want to pick 1 injectable with anavar at 50mgs a day.