Shipping from ch


New member

I have lost contact ith supplier 5 months ago. How the things looks like? Are we still getting shippments from china?
Anything from china, assume it will be an extra four months. Just how it is right now. And that four months was for electronics not sneaky clandestine stuff.

If you have lost contact with your supplier, it isn't too hard to look for others. I regularly search and send emails requesting price lists. You can pretty clearly see that some are set up for the small time personal use brewers, the friends and family brewers and then the large volume brews. Usually a quick response on the price list request means they are running a business that sees time as money. In other words they don't have time for bullshit. Now if they follow up with you 15 times in the next week seeing if you want to order something, well that means they are very hungry or there is some reason they have all that time to ask you over and over again if you want their wares. What I am saying, there is a window of fast and attentive vs way to needy. If you are not clear on what I mean, go request ten lists from ten different sources, you will see.
I know where coming from. I been attacked in the past with daily checks ''do I want to place an order?'' Kind of email harassment. Which makes me suspicious only.
Hey I responded to your message. Like I said in it, I'll forward what I have and you can just look and at least have some input for your ultimate choice. I will say after chiming in on your other thread, I think you would be going after a larger volume supplier vs myself. I typically won't order more than 50grams of something that isn't test, with test it all depends on what I need and still shouldn't be over 200g or so (depending). Really I usually hit them up to send me some test as a kicker because I know they have good mark up on my size orders due to multiple compounds in smaller quantities vs 500g to kilo(s).
Hey I responded to your message. Like I said in it, I'll forward what I have and you can just look and at least have some input for your ultimate choice. I will say after chiming in on your other thread, I think you would be going after a larger volume supplier vs myself. I typically won't order more than 50grams of something that isn't test, with test it all depends on what I need and still shouldn't be over 200g or so (depending). Really I usually hit them up to send me some test as a kicker because I know they have good mark up on my size orders due to multiple compounds in smaller quantities vs 500g to kilo(s) of one compound.
I can not say FOR SURE 4 months but it's going to be close if my experience was accurate. Keep in mind I did order back in late spring but china had declared they had covid under control and trade was open. Well I ordered my electronics and it took close to three months for them to move from where it said they were received. Then they were slow moving.
Keep in mind that besides the pandemic we have an election year and the Chinese do not like our incumbent (I am not for or against, in fact I don't worry about politics until I am in line to vote) so I could see them making things look bad for him just as a way to see if they can influence the election.

If someone was smart they would go to a country where China has no restrictions on trade with and then get a huge shipment in a house and set up shop for getting raws into the US via the third country.