Short on Test-P


New member
running a 10 week cutter cycle of Test-P (150mg EOD), Tren (100mg EOD) and Winny (weeks 6-10 for the winny).

It seems I may have done a wrong calculation when ordering my test.... Im short a few ml... probably about 1.5 weeks worth...

Question is now...

1) am i better off finishing the remainder of the Test-P as a normal 150mg EOD as Ive been doing and finish a week early on the Test... or should I cut it down to 50mg and make it last 1.5 weeks long or so...

2) any probs with cutting out the test and finishing up the cycle with just the tren and winny if im a bit short on test?

Thanks in advance.
You could've gotten away with 100mg. eod and that probably would've gotten you to 10 weeks but if you're in the middle of it and want to stay with what you're doing just stop at 8.5 weeks,that would still be a decent cutter and you'd be done with eod injection. If you ran the tren and winny without the test you might end up with not enough lead in your pencil.
i agree with the no lead in pencil lol. Id prob just finish up in 8.5 or so weeks and call it good still a good cutter.