Shortest Fairytale:


New member
Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy, "Will you marry
me?" The guy said "No."

And the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping,
drank margaritas with friends, always had a clean house, never had to
cook, had a closet full of shoes and handbags, stayed skinny, and was
never farted on.

The end.
that is the gayest thing I've seen posted on here! what the fuck kind of ending is that? it should end with the guy then moves to Vegas, wins a lot of money and hangs out with strippers and hookers and doesn't have to work and goes fishing everyday and lives happily ever after... who wants to hear about the broad? Geez.
and he got swole cause he could afford every kinda gear there is :) the end.
Spiderman said:
??? I thought women liked to be farted on!!!

anyone see that family guy.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Stickler* said:

i remember that one from TV... that's funny... "we're just a couple of guys messin' around.. that's all we are" .. .

LOL. if it wasn't for the video clips and our posts making this thread actually funny I think I would have deleted it! LOL

