Should i still be eating more carbs & protein?


New member
Hi, I've smashed it at the gym Friday & Saturday by working on my chest back and arms now my muscles are still aching, so I've been making sure I'm still eating lots of foods with carbs and protein in them while resting... Is this ok or should I be not eating alot because my muscles are still aching so I'm thinking it's still good even though I'm not working out on my rest day?
Please guide me :)

Hey Mike welcome to MC! First of all food doesn't have anything to do with helping your muscle soreness. Food will help you repair the muscles you tore down. The aching feeling is completely normal and it's what most of us strive for. You should be eating good clean carbs and protein all the time not just when your sore.
Eating is what's going to help you pack on the pounds, so eat up, just make sure it's relatively clean foods
Thanks Mb97 I've been eating tuna because I know it's pure in protein but has no carbs in it.... You recommend any foods that's filled with carbs that's good?
It's not necessarily just while healing, you want to eat around the clock. Roughly every 3 hours, consume 1.5 grams of protein or more for every pound of bodyweight. Moderate amount of carbs to fuel your body and clean fats. Try not to eat carbs after mid afternoon
No problem, bro, welcome to MC and if you have anymore questions feel free to post them up, we're always here to help
One more thing, should I wait till the aching of my muscles go away or could I train why it's still aching abit? I was last at the gym fri/sat thinking on going tomorrow but I know it won't completely be away
If you just started working out you may wanna work each muscle group roughly once a week for the first month or so. Then maybe step it up to every 5 days. Overworking a muscle can be bad news bro. Work on your form low wieght mid to high reps. Good luck bro! Eat clean and often use your supplements and get huge!

Welcome to MC there's some great guys here.
I would advise against training a sore muscle, but if say your chest is sore, you can still train legs, delts, arms, back. Just don't train chest until you're no longer sore
Yeah suppose, good point! All I've been training is my chest, back and arms but don't see why not train on some other body parts until my other muscles are back to normal, il give them a couple of days anyways! Thanks again.
You've gotta train shoulders and legs bro, you're body will only allow you to get so big up top without the support of your legs. Plus it will help your overall muscle growth. Training legs releases a large amount of GH.
Give us a little more info too. How old are you? How tall and what do you weigh? Maybe post a pic too. Again welcome!