should I use sarms while underweight?


New member
I got in a motorcycle accident a year ago and I was in the hospital for a couple months and I had to relearn little things like how to walk and how to eat. I was very lucky to survive the accident and in the process I have course lost about 80 pounds.
I’m currently five foot 10 and 130 pounds and I would like to get back into weight training. My doctor said I can start next week because I’ve passed the test that I needed to do.
Which sarms would you recommend for someone in my situation?
I got in a motorcycle accident a year ago and I was in the hospital for a couple months and I had to relearn little things like how to walk and how to eat. I was very lucky to survive the accident and in the process I have course lost about 80 pounds.
I’m currently five foot 10 and 130 pounds and I would like to get back into weight training. My doctor said I can start next week because I’ve passed the test that I needed to do.
Which songs would you recommend for someone in my situation?
sarms underweight? sure you can use

rad and yk11 but eat more first
you need to focus on getting better and getting your diet and health back first and foremost.. you are wanting everything right now and thats just not how it works man... you could consider mk677, with ghrp-6 and ghrp-2 to help you get your appetite going and also get some healing with the mk677.. those would be the best options for now and possibly consider bpc157 and tb500 for added healing benefits