Sick of what people say


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Don't you fucking hate it when you see someone that you haven't seen in awhile and they say oh you must be juicing, I wanna punch the ****s in the face. Fuck I don't care if you are juicing or not you still have to work your ass off to get where we are. Some people just think you can juice and get big with no work.
drives me nuts to. I just make a sarcastic comment back. like if it's a girl with nice/big boobs I'll say, "yep tons! those are nice boobs you must have implants.". when they get offended I let them know what they said isn't very polite either
Its all out of jealousy.

that's been my conclusion for some time now. they're basically saying, "the only reason you're in such good shape and I'm not is I don't use PED's since those are bad I have a legit excuse for looking like a slob or being weak"
Tell them you take it as a compliment ..Means you must look really good .. Suggest they go on a cycle because they could sure use some help :-)
I could give a shit what they say. Because if I cared what they have to say. I wounldn't be hitting the gear. And like CH3NO2 they are just jelalousy because they probly look like shit.
they say you juice because its an easy out for them, they follow it up with well if I juiced I would be in magazine and everything.... you would be surprised how many people run gear and you cant fucking tell at all.
I hate peoples opinions every day, to the point of giving up on humanity
they say you juice because its an easy out for them, they follow it up with well if I juiced I would be in magazine and everything.... you would be surprised how many people run gear and you cant fucking tell at all.
^^^ THIS^^^ Most people are completely retarded to the fact that diet and hard work do more than all the juice in the world.. It's only the guys that understand this, that the juice is doing anything for!
It's even more annoying when you don't use lol my doctor had even asked me if I use them... It was the most aggrivating thing especially coming from a fat old man and especially since I hadn't touched them at that point. I officially, as of three weeks ago can't say no to these assholes anymore, as if it's any of their business anyways, but I feel ya. I once saw a guy in my store with a shirt on that said "no I don't use steroids but thanks for asking"... It was obvious that he did use them but still,... the shirt was cool.
I once saw a guy in my store with a shirt on that said "no I don't use steroids but thanks for asking"... It was obvious that he did use them but still,... the shirt was cool.

that's called a douche, and you should have went up to him and said I can tell, there was a guy in the gym with a shirt that said I don't even lift on it, I was very close to letting him know it's pretty obvious.
It's even more annoying when you don't use lol my doctor had even asked me if I use them... It was the most aggrivating thing especially coming from a fat old man and especially since I hadn't touched them at that point. I officially, as of three weeks ago can't say no to these assholes anymore, as if it's any of their business anyways, but I feel ya. I once saw a guy in my store with a shirt on that said "no I don't use steroids but thanks for asking"... It was obvious that he did use them but still,... the shirt was cool.

I used to get that before as well. It's mostly why I started. I figured since everyone thinks I do anyways I might as well and at least actually reap the benefits.
I only care about what God thinks of me and my wife, everyone else means nothing to me. Im not here to win a popularity contest.
It is your body, your dreams to realize. Don't let it even rent one ounce of space in your head. There's only room for important meaningful things which you must use to get to where you wish to be. In the ranks of competitive athletes, those comments aren't even made because for many, PE are part of the fabric and lifestyle. So obvious and accepted as reality that making mention of them is ridiculous. Love what you do and care only that you are true to yourself.
My Buddy has that I dont use but thanks for asking shirt like 10 years ago, I always thought it was funny
I get it all the time, but the worst was when I had taken a 4 year break, but I didn't loose a lot, but I gained a little fat tire, and wasn't my former glory, but I had many many years of training on these old muscles. So for my first welcome back cycle just test 400mg/ week, my body sucked that shit up like crazy, by the end of 12 weeks I dropped two pants sizes in the waist, gained a good solid 12lbs. A friend of mine that was fat, 10 years younger was at the same time dieting "Advocare", he lost 45lbs good for him, I said that's great, you look fantastic. He looked at me and in front of friends and top level co-workers, said but I'm not doing steroids like you, you must be juicing. WTF...jealous bastard. But you laugh it off, say wow bro I'm not "That Big", ha ha. But hell I could have said well maybe it's all that Meth and Coc you been doing that caused your weight loss? People hate bottom line.
He looked at me and in front of friends and top level co-workers, said but I'm not doing steroids like you, you must be juicing. WTF...jealous bastard. .
That would have pissed me off. I probably would have said something either if front of everyone or in private. When people say something like that to
me I usually just laugh and say thanks for the compliment and just think if I was how I would look. (sounds like he said it in a nasty way though)
I just came back from a week vacation. I was in a supermarket and some fat old guy (prob. little younger then me but still old. lol) walking by me says
real loud, "wow, do you work out?" I laughed and said (loud) no, I used to when I was younger but not anymore. (I just droped 20 lbs and was
looking pretty good if I say so myself. lol) he then almost yells "your fucking huge" I come back with "I keep telling my wife that but she aint going
for it", The people around started laughing. It amazes me how some people just blurt this shit out.

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He looked at me and in front of friends and top level co-workers, said but I'm not doing steroids like you, you must be juicing. WTF...jealous bastard. .
That would have pissed me off. I probably would have said something either if front of everyone or in private. When people say something like that to
me I usually just laugh and say thanks for the compliment and just think if I was how I would look. (sounds like he said it in a nasty way though)
I just came back from a week vacation. I was in a supermarket and some fat old guy (prob. little younger then me but still old. lol) walking by me says
real loud, "wow, do you work out?" I laughed and said (loud) no, I used to when I was younger but not anymore. (I just droped 20 lbs and was
looking pretty good if I say so myself. lol) he then almost yells "your fucking huge" I come back with "I keep telling my wife that but she aint going
for it", The people around started laughing. It amazes me how some people just blurt this shit out.

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He looked at me and in front of friends and top level co-workers, said but I'm not doing steroids like you, you must be juicing. WTF...jealous bastard. .
That would have pissed me off. I probably would have said something either if front of everyone or in private. When people say something like that to
me I usually just laugh and say thanks for the compliment and just think if I was how I would look. (sounds like he said it in a nasty way though)
I just came back from a week vacation. I was in a supermarket and some fat old guy (prob. little younger then me but still old. lol) walking by me says
real loud, "wow, do you work out?" I laughed and said (loud) no, I used to when I was younger but not anymore. (I just droped 20 lbs and was
looking pretty good if I say so myself. lol) he then almost yells "your fucking huge" I come back with "I keep telling my wife that but she aint going
for it", The people around started laughing. It amazes me how some people just blurt this shit out.

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He looked at me and in front of friends and top level co-workers, said but I'm not doing steroids like you, you must be juicing. WTF...jealous bastard. .
That would have pissed me off. I probably would have said something either if front of everyone or in private. When people say something like that to
me I usually just laugh and say thanks for the compliment and just think if I was how I would look. (sounds like he said it in a nasty way though)
I just came back from a week vacation. I was in a supermarket and some fat old guy (prob. little younger then me but still old. lol) walking by me says
real loud, "wow, do you work out?" I laughed and said (loud) no, I used to when I was younger but not anymore. (I just droped 20 lbs and was
looking pretty good if I say so myself. lol) he then almost yells "your fucking huge" I come back with "I keep telling my wife that but she aint going
for it", The people around started laughing. It amazes me how some people just blurt this shit out.
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When i was in my 20's and wasnt on gear i took it as a compliment, later in my 30's still took it as a compliment, now after 30+ years ,and countless hrs of sweat, pain, sacrifice, and dedication, to tell me its JUST steroids id like to take these young skinny punks to the gym for 1 month with this 52 yr old man and show them just what it takes. 1 month? They'd quit halfway thru the 1st workout. If great bodies came in a bottle everyone would have them.
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