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Wed, 06 May 2020 08:56:04 +0000
Top 5 Best SARMs for Cutting: Help Burn Fat With These Supplements
Wed, 03 Jul 2019 09:53:37 +0000
<![CDATA[Summer’s here and we all want to look good at the beach. The thing is that you’re probably still working off that “belly” you built up last year and don’t know how much more training you can take without passing out. You could always go the extra, extra mile and cut calories and add to your workout regimen. But, working out harder while starving yourself is a recipe for disaster and it’ll make you miserable. The good news is there’s a way to see quick weight loss results without stressing yourself out, and no it’s not steroids. While a small group of athletes and bodybuilders still rely on ‘roids to get jacked, smarter athletes have found better methods. You can now achieve the same fast results you’d get from taking steroids but without the accompanying side effects like liver disease, cardio issues and gynecomastia (gyno) effects. Introducing; SARMs – scientifically proven to boost strength and endurance while helping with cutting. The only problem with SARMs is that there are a lot of misconceptions out there about them. Like most people, you probably have a few pressing questions that you need answers before you can go all-in on SARMs. For instance, you probably want to know if they are safe, if it’s legal to take them and whether or not they come with adverse side-effects as you may have heard? Of course, you want to find out what’s the best way to take them; through injection, needles or orally. All of these and other questions will be answered in the following article, with a hope that it’ll dispel any of the myths and misconceptions you’ve heard about SARMs. As a bonus, I’ll throw in a list of my favorite tried and tested SARMs for cutting. What Are SARMs? These are compounds that provide slightly less strength and benefits that steroids do but without the accompanying risks. They were initially introduced to the market in the early 90s much to the delight of the bodybuilding community. However, they’ve been around for much longer than that, having been first developed in the 40s for use in treating osteoporosis, cancer and other conditions related to muscle damage. It was only decades later that the mainstream media and market would recognize the vast potential of SARMs. As a consumer, it’s important to educate yourself on SARMs and fully understand their implications before you start using them. After all, it’s always best to make an informed decision. Part of what makes SARMs so effective is the fact that they actually improve the body’s reaction to testosterone. Unlike steroids that mimic testosterone, SARMs don’t come with the risk of hormonal imbalance and its adverse side effects. How Do They Work? As we age, our body changes in the way it grows muscle and bone. This often makes us weaker and it’s part of the reason why the elderly tend to lose weight. It also becomes harder to lift heavy objects and move around as we age. This … Continue reading "Top 5 Best SARMs for Cutting: Help Burn Fat With These Supplements"
The post Top 5 Best SARMs for Cutting: Help Burn Fat With These Supplements appeared first on Simply Anabolics.
<![CDATA[Summer’s here and we all want to look good at the beach. The thing is that you’re probably still working off that “belly” you built up last year and don’t know how much more training you can take without passing out.
You could always go the extra, extra mile and cut calories and add to your workout regimen.
But, working out harder while starving yourself is a recipe for disaster and it’ll make you miserable. The good news is there’s a way to see quick weight loss results without stressing yourself out, and no it’s not steroids.
While a small group of athletes and bodybuilders still rely on ‘roids to get jacked, smarter athletes have found better methods. You can now achieve the same fast results you’d get from taking steroids but without the accompanying side effects like liver disease, cardio issues and gynecomastia (gyno) effects.
Introducing; SARMs – scientifically proven to boost strength and endurance while helping with cutting. The only problem with SARMs is that there are a lot of misconceptions out there about them. Like most people, you probably have a few pressing questions that you need answers before you can go all-in on SARMs.
For instance, you probably want to know if they are safe, if it’s legal to take them and whether or not they come with adverse side-effects as you may have heard? Of course, you want to find out what’s the best way to take them; through injection, needles or orally.
All of these and other questions will be answered in the following article, with a hope that it’ll dispel any of the myths and misconceptions you’ve heard about SARMs.
As a bonus, I’ll throw in a list of my favorite tried and tested SARMs for cutting.
What Are SARMs?
These are compounds that provide slightly less strength and benefits that steroids do but without the accompanying risks. They were initially introduced to the market in the early 90s much to the delight of the bodybuilding community.
However, they’ve been around for much longer than that, having been first developed in the 40s for use in treating osteoporosis, cancer and other conditions related to muscle damage.
It was only decades later that the mainstream media and market would recognize the vast potential of SARMs. As a consumer, it’s important to educate yourself on SARMs and fully understand their implications before you start using them. After all, it’s always best to make an informed decision.
Part of what makes SARMs so effective is the fact that they actually improve the body’s reaction to testosterone. Unlike steroids that mimic testosterone, SARMs don’t come with the risk of hormonal imbalance and its adverse side effects.
How Do They Work?
As we age, our body changes in the way it grows muscle and bone. This often makes us weaker and it’s part of the reason why the elderly tend to lose weight. It also becomes harder to lift heavy objects and move around as we age.
This is where SARMs come in. They’re famous for their ability to increase skeletal muscle mass, which is great news for anyone that has testosterone and androgen deficiency.
It’s important to note that the results you’ll get from your SARMs are highly dependent on how you take them and how much you take. Ultimately, whichever consumption method you use will yield the same results in that they’ll function similarly to testosterone.
That’s because SARMs target the same receptors as testosterone which is why they have the same effects as the actual hormones they mimic.
The only difference is that SARMs don’t come with the associated risk of taking testosterone hormonal treatments. Instead, they build up your muscles and work to enhance overall hormonal health without any adverse side effects.
Top SARMs to Help You with Cutting
There are many SARMs available out there for you to choose from, and they’re not all made equal. I know how confusing it can be to find the best SARM for individual needs, which is why I’ve put together a list of the best SARMs that I’ve tried as well as details on how to use them.
However, I’m going to focus on the best SARMs that will help you with cutting.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
Also known as LGD-4033, Ligandrol is a non-steroidal SARM. It’s taken orally which means you don’t have to worry about injecting yourself. Ligandrol was initially developed to treat patients with muscle wasting conditions like cancer.
That’s why it’s so helpful at holding muscle mass which is what you want during the cutting phase. It helps you to burn more calories and cut fat by boosting your metabolism.
LGD-4033 has a 24-hour half-life which means you only need to take it once per day. You’ll feel its effects throughout the day. The best part is that Ligandrol doesn’t cause any water retention, which is one of the few side effects that some people experience when taking SARMs.
Stenabolic (SR9009)
Stenabolic is one of the most highly regarded compounds due to its superb results for the cutting cycle. It works similarly to Cardarine with the only difference being that it’s an actual SARM. Stenabolic is also more potent than Cardarine which means it’s even better at boosting metabolism and burning fat.
It makes it so much easier to incinerate fat and see results from all the work you put in at the gym because it actually improves glucose metabolism. However, what makes it so popular is the fact that it comes with very few mild side effects.
Although I’ve included Cardarine as a SARM, it’s not exactly classified as one. But, it’s famous in the SARM community because it offers similar properties and benefits. Cardarine is very helpful at increasing muscle mass while helping you lose weight at the same time.
How does it work? Cardarine targets PPAR receptors while other SARMs target androgen receptors. Weirdly enough, even with these differences, Cardarine has similar effects as other SARMs and it’s up there with other potent SARMs when it comes to the results it delivers.
Not only will it increase your body’s metabolism so you can burn fat faster, but Cardarine can improve your body’s ability to process glucose which usually comes in the form of carbs and sugar.
If you want to burn fat while increasing your levels of good HDL cholesterol, then this is the compound for you. Not only that but this compound will help you trim up quickly by speeding up your metabolism.
Ostarine (MK-2866)
Ostarine is one of many compounds and SARMs that are created by GTx, Inc. which is one of the most well-known pharmaceutical companies in the world. GTx, Inc. initially developed Ostarine for the purpose of healing bone and muscle wasting conditions.
How does it work? Well, Ostarine basically boosts nitrogen and protein levels in the body, which are the primary building blocks needed to create that rippling muscle aesthetic.
As a SARM, Ostarine specifically targets receptors that are responsible for growing muscle and bone. It doesn’t cause any fluid retention so you won’t get bloated or anything like that. It’ll only help you build and protect muscle tissue.
Andarine (S4)
Andarine is a favorite for bodybuilders and athletes that want to bulk up. But, in recent times it has gained popularity for its ability to facilitate faster and more effective cutting as well. This makes Andarine arguably the most versatile SARM you’ll come across. It’s an all-in-one solution that offers a wide variety of benefits.
Why is Andarine so effective at delivering quick results? Mainly because it’s an anabolic substance. This means it can help you bulk up while shredding fat. In a nutshell, it’s the SARM to take if you want Bruce-Lee body fat percentage while looking just as jacked. You just need to put in the work as well by sticking to a healthy diet in order to maximize your results.
Visit to learn more about this SARM.
Now that we’ve gone through the full gamut of the SARMs you can use for cutting, I hope this guide will make it much easier to find an option that works optimally for you.
You have at your disposal all the basic information that one would need in order to make an informed purchasing decision.
My final piece of advice would be to consider your unique personal situation and your needs. Then look at the benefits and features that come with each SARM so you can pick an option that best matches your needs.
Although not absolutely necessary, it might help if you have previous experience with other compounds, because you already know what your body responds to. Otherwise, all the best and here’s to making the most of what’s left of this summer!

The post Top 5 Best SARMs for Cutting: Help Burn Fat With These Supplements appeared first on Simply Anabolics.
Bodybuilding and SARMs: A Boon or a Bane?
Wed, 19 Jun 2019 10:09:19 +0000
<![CDATA[What Is A SARM? A SARM, also known as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, is used to help treat conditions like obesity and muscle wasting diseases. They are chemical compounds that interact with the brain and helps the body in various ways. They are generally used by amateur bodybuilders, gym goers and athletes to maintain fitness levels and keep their body in perfect shape. They tend to have the same effects as androgenic drugs but have slight to no side effects. How Do SARMs Work? SARMs are chemicals that modulate specifically selected sites that are responsible for the development of muscles in our body. A typical SARM will speed up the process of muscle building. There are various types of SARMs available in the market that are used for different purposes ranging from muscle building to weight loss and more. The exact way how they speed up the process is still unknown and research is being conducted on it. SARMs or Steroids? Steroids are powerful drugs that mostly help to increase muscle density, muscle weight, etc. Unlike SARMs, steroids are powerful drugs that are required in very small quantities and they also tend to have side effects. Although SARMs too have side effects, the side effects they cause are nothing as compared to the side effects caused by steroids. Earlier, there was another group of chemicals known as pro-hormones that are responsible for similar effects as SARMs and Steroids. Pro-hormones are substances that change the concentration of certain important hormones in our body, thereby causing faster rates of muscle growth. Pro-hormones are also not as dangerous as steroids because like SARMs they also have lesser known and moderate side effects. So it might be fit to think that pro-hormones can replace SARMs or can be used alternatively but that is not the case. Although pro-hormones and SARMs have similar side effects, in case of pro-hormones, they generally convert to estrogen after completion of their work cycle. Accumulation of estrogen in the male body can cause female characteristics to develop, such as gynecomastia. In females, excess of estrogen can cause joint pains, irregular ovulation, etc. So, as far as bodybuilding results are considered SARMs, Steroids and Prohormones have similar effects but in varying intensities. The amount of steroid needed for the same increase in muscle weight is less as compared to SARMs. Talking about general gym goers, SARMs are way better than steroids because they have milder side effects. For bodybuilders, though, SARMs can act as a starter mechanism for them. They will need regular doses of steroids and they can use SARMs in between as a bridge between steroid cycles as a way to retain the steroid muscle gains. Side Effects of SARMs SARMs have mild to no side effects. Unlike steroids and pro-hormones, they are safer and also deliver what they are used for. Following are a few of the side effects of using SARMs- Nausea, Vomiting, Headache (Mild) Muscle Pain, Muscle Stiffness (Severe) Partial Paralysis if SARM is … Continue reading "Bodybuilding and SARMs: A Boon or a Bane?"
The post Bodybuilding and SARMs: A Boon or a Bane? appeared first on Simply Anabolics.

The post Bodybuilding and SARMs: A Boon or a Bane? appeared first on Simply Anabolics.
Best site injection areas for injectable steroids
Wed, 14 Dec 2016 08:49:22 +0000
<![CDATA[Steroids come in all shapes and sizes but injectables are often the gentlest on the body and the easiest to tolerate, despite the more challenging route of administration. Quite aside from the effects of the steroids themselves, you’ll also need to consider whereabouts you plan on injecting as some sites are preferable to others. Here’s a quick look at the difference between subcutaneous and intramuscular, along with everything you need to know. Injecting intramuscularly (IM) For the most part, steroids are designed to be injected intramuscularly and there’s a wide range of sites to choose from. Most can hold between 3-5cc of fluid without too much of a problem but you should rotate the muscles used so that ideally you don’t inject any one area more than once in 7-10 days. The buttocks The gluten are a big hit with many users because the muscle is one of the biggest in the body, with scant nerve endings. These two factors combined make it one of the best sites to use. You’ll need to aim for the upper, outer part of your buttocks as you’ll find that not only is this less painful...
Click here to view the article.
The Internets Number 1 Source for all things Steroids!
Wed, 06 May 2020 08:56:04 +0000
Top 5 Best SARMs for Cutting: Help Burn Fat With These Supplements
Wed, 03 Jul 2019 09:53:37 +0000
<![CDATA[Summer’s here and we all want to look good at the beach. The thing is that you’re probably still working off that “belly” you built up last year and don’t know how much more training you can take without passing out. You could always go the extra, extra mile and cut calories and add to your workout regimen. But, working out harder while starving yourself is a recipe for disaster and it’ll make you miserable. The good news is there’s a way to see quick weight loss results without stressing yourself out, and no it’s not steroids. While a small group of athletes and bodybuilders still rely on ‘roids to get jacked, smarter athletes have found better methods. You can now achieve the same fast results you’d get from taking steroids but without the accompanying side effects like liver disease, cardio issues and gynecomastia (gyno) effects. Introducing; SARMs – scientifically proven to boost strength and endurance while helping with cutting. The only problem with SARMs is that there are a lot of misconceptions out there about them. Like most people, you probably have a few pressing questions that you need answers before you can go all-in on SARMs. For instance, you probably want to know if they are safe, if it’s legal to take them and whether or not they come with adverse side-effects as you may have heard? Of course, you want to find out what’s the best way to take them; through injection, needles or orally. All of these and other questions will be answered in the following article, with a hope that it’ll dispel any of the myths and misconceptions you’ve heard about SARMs. As a bonus, I’ll throw in a list of my favorite tried and tested SARMs for cutting. What Are SARMs? These are compounds that provide slightly less strength and benefits that steroids do but without the accompanying risks. They were initially introduced to the market in the early 90s much to the delight of the bodybuilding community. However, they’ve been around for much longer than that, having been first developed in the 40s for use in treating osteoporosis, cancer and other conditions related to muscle damage. It was only decades later that the mainstream media and market would recognize the vast potential of SARMs. As a consumer, it’s important to educate yourself on SARMs and fully understand their implications before you start using them. After all, it’s always best to make an informed decision. Part of what makes SARMs so effective is the fact that they actually improve the body’s reaction to testosterone. Unlike steroids that mimic testosterone, SARMs don’t come with the risk of hormonal imbalance and its adverse side effects. How Do They Work? As we age, our body changes in the way it grows muscle and bone. This often makes us weaker and it’s part of the reason why the elderly tend to lose weight. It also becomes harder to lift heavy objects and move around as we age. This … Continue reading "Top 5 Best SARMs for Cutting: Help Burn Fat With These Supplements"
The post Top 5 Best SARMs for Cutting: Help Burn Fat With These Supplements appeared first on Simply Anabolics.
While a small group of athletes and bodybuilders still rely on ‘roids to get jacked, smarter athletes have found better methods. You can now achieve the same fast results you’d get from taking steroids but without the accompanying side effects like liver disease, cardio issues and gynecomastia (gyno) effects.
Introducing; SARMs – scientifically proven to boost strength and endurance while helping with cutting. The only problem with SARMs is that there are a lot of misconceptions out there about them. Like most people, you probably have a few pressing questions that you need answers before you can go all-in on SARMs.
For instance, you probably want to know if they are safe, if it’s legal to take them and whether or not they come with adverse side-effects as you may have heard? Of course, you want to find out what’s the best way to take them; through injection, needles or orally.
All of these and other questions will be answered in the following article, with a hope that it’ll dispel any of the myths and misconceptions you’ve heard about SARMs.
As a bonus, I’ll throw in a list of my favorite tried and tested SARMs for cutting.
What Are SARMs?
These are compounds that provide slightly less strength and benefits that steroids do but without the accompanying risks. They were initially introduced to the market in the early 90s much to the delight of the bodybuilding community.
However, they’ve been around for much longer than that, having been first developed in the 40s for use in treating osteoporosis, cancer and other conditions related to muscle damage.
It was only decades later that the mainstream media and market would recognize the vast potential of SARMs. As a consumer, it’s important to educate yourself on SARMs and fully understand their implications before you start using them. After all, it’s always best to make an informed decision.
Part of what makes SARMs so effective is the fact that they actually improve the body’s reaction to testosterone. Unlike steroids that mimic testosterone, SARMs don’t come with the risk of hormonal imbalance and its adverse side effects.
How Do They Work?
As we age, our body changes in the way it grows muscle and bone. This often makes us weaker and it’s part of the reason why the elderly tend to lose weight. It also becomes harder to lift heavy objects and move around as we age.

This is where SARMs come in. They’re famous for their ability to increase skeletal muscle mass, which is great news for anyone that has testosterone and androgen deficiency.
It’s important to note that the results you’ll get from your SARMs are highly dependent on how you take them and how much you take. Ultimately, whichever consumption method you use will yield the same results in that they’ll function similarly to testosterone.
That’s because SARMs target the same receptors as testosterone which is why they have the same effects as the actual hormones they mimic.
The only difference is that SARMs don’t come with the associated risk of taking testosterone hormonal treatments. Instead, they build up your muscles and work to enhance overall hormonal health without any adverse side effects.
Top SARMs to Help You with Cutting
There are many SARMs available out there for you to choose from, and they’re not all made equal. I know how confusing it can be to find the best SARM for individual needs, which is why I’ve put together a list of the best SARMs that I’ve tried as well as details on how to use them.
However, I’m going to focus on the best SARMs that will help you with cutting.
Ligandrol (LGD-4033)
Also known as LGD-4033, Ligandrol is a non-steroidal SARM. It’s taken orally which means you don’t have to worry about injecting yourself. Ligandrol was initially developed to treat patients with muscle wasting conditions like cancer.
That’s why it’s so helpful at holding muscle mass which is what you want during the cutting phase. It helps you to burn more calories and cut fat by boosting your metabolism.
LGD-4033 has a 24-hour half-life which means you only need to take it once per day. You’ll feel its effects throughout the day. The best part is that Ligandrol doesn’t cause any water retention, which is one of the few side effects that some people experience when taking SARMs.
Stenabolic (SR9009)
Stenabolic is one of the most highly regarded compounds due to its superb results for the cutting cycle. It works similarly to Cardarine with the only difference being that it’s an actual SARM. Stenabolic is also more potent than Cardarine which means it’s even better at boosting metabolism and burning fat.
It makes it so much easier to incinerate fat and see results from all the work you put in at the gym because it actually improves glucose metabolism. However, what makes it so popular is the fact that it comes with very few mild side effects.
Although I’ve included Cardarine as a SARM, it’s not exactly classified as one. But, it’s famous in the SARM community because it offers similar properties and benefits. Cardarine is very helpful at increasing muscle mass while helping you lose weight at the same time.

How does it work? Cardarine targets PPAR receptors while other SARMs target androgen receptors. Weirdly enough, even with these differences, Cardarine has similar effects as other SARMs and it’s up there with other potent SARMs when it comes to the results it delivers.
Not only will it increase your body’s metabolism so you can burn fat faster, but Cardarine can improve your body’s ability to process glucose which usually comes in the form of carbs and sugar.
If you want to burn fat while increasing your levels of good HDL cholesterol, then this is the compound for you. Not only that but this compound will help you trim up quickly by speeding up your metabolism.
Ostarine (MK-2866)
Ostarine is one of many compounds and SARMs that are created by GTx, Inc. which is one of the most well-known pharmaceutical companies in the world. GTx, Inc. initially developed Ostarine for the purpose of healing bone and muscle wasting conditions.
How does it work? Well, Ostarine basically boosts nitrogen and protein levels in the body, which are the primary building blocks needed to create that rippling muscle aesthetic.
As a SARM, Ostarine specifically targets receptors that are responsible for growing muscle and bone. It doesn’t cause any fluid retention so you won’t get bloated or anything like that. It’ll only help you build and protect muscle tissue.
Andarine (S4)
Andarine is a favorite for bodybuilders and athletes that want to bulk up. But, in recent times it has gained popularity for its ability to facilitate faster and more effective cutting as well. This makes Andarine arguably the most versatile SARM you’ll come across. It’s an all-in-one solution that offers a wide variety of benefits.
Why is Andarine so effective at delivering quick results? Mainly because it’s an anabolic substance. This means it can help you bulk up while shredding fat. In a nutshell, it’s the SARM to take if you want Bruce-Lee body fat percentage while looking just as jacked. You just need to put in the work as well by sticking to a healthy diet in order to maximize your results.
Visit to learn more about this SARM.
Now that we’ve gone through the full gamut of the SARMs you can use for cutting, I hope this guide will make it much easier to find an option that works optimally for you.
You have at your disposal all the basic information that one would need in order to make an informed purchasing decision.
My final piece of advice would be to consider your unique personal situation and your needs. Then look at the benefits and features that come with each SARM so you can pick an option that best matches your needs.
Although not absolutely necessary, it might help if you have previous experience with other compounds, because you already know what your body responds to. Otherwise, all the best and here’s to making the most of what’s left of this summer!

Bodybuilding and SARMs: A Boon or a Bane?
Wed, 19 Jun 2019 10:09:19 +0000
<![CDATA[What Is A SARM? A SARM, also known as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator, is used to help treat conditions like obesity and muscle wasting diseases. They are chemical compounds that interact with the brain and helps the body in various ways. They are generally used by amateur bodybuilders, gym goers and athletes to maintain fitness levels and keep their body in perfect shape. They tend to have the same effects as androgenic drugs but have slight to no side effects. How Do SARMs Work? SARMs are chemicals that modulate specifically selected sites that are responsible for the development of muscles in our body. A typical SARM will speed up the process of muscle building. There are various types of SARMs available in the market that are used for different purposes ranging from muscle building to weight loss and more. The exact way how they speed up the process is still unknown and research is being conducted on it. SARMs or Steroids? Steroids are powerful drugs that mostly help to increase muscle density, muscle weight, etc. Unlike SARMs, steroids are powerful drugs that are required in very small quantities and they also tend to have side effects. Although SARMs too have side effects, the side effects they cause are nothing as compared to the side effects caused by steroids. Earlier, there was another group of chemicals known as pro-hormones that are responsible for similar effects as SARMs and Steroids. Pro-hormones are substances that change the concentration of certain important hormones in our body, thereby causing faster rates of muscle growth. Pro-hormones are also not as dangerous as steroids because like SARMs they also have lesser known and moderate side effects. So it might be fit to think that pro-hormones can replace SARMs or can be used alternatively but that is not the case. Although pro-hormones and SARMs have similar side effects, in case of pro-hormones, they generally convert to estrogen after completion of their work cycle. Accumulation of estrogen in the male body can cause female characteristics to develop, such as gynecomastia. In females, excess of estrogen can cause joint pains, irregular ovulation, etc. So, as far as bodybuilding results are considered SARMs, Steroids and Prohormones have similar effects but in varying intensities. The amount of steroid needed for the same increase in muscle weight is less as compared to SARMs. Talking about general gym goers, SARMs are way better than steroids because they have milder side effects. For bodybuilders, though, SARMs can act as a starter mechanism for them. They will need regular doses of steroids and they can use SARMs in between as a bridge between steroid cycles as a way to retain the steroid muscle gains. Side Effects of SARMs SARMs have mild to no side effects. Unlike steroids and pro-hormones, they are safer and also deliver what they are used for. Following are a few of the side effects of using SARMs- Nausea, Vomiting, Headache (Mild) Muscle Pain, Muscle Stiffness (Severe) Partial Paralysis if SARM is … Continue reading "Bodybuilding and SARMs: A Boon or a Bane?"
The post Bodybuilding and SARMs: A Boon or a Bane? appeared first on Simply Anabolics.
How Do SARMs Work?
SARMs are chemicals that modulate specifically selected sites that are responsible for the development of muscles in our body. A typical SARM will speed up the process of muscle building. There are various types of SARMs available in the market that are used for different purposes ranging from muscle building to weight loss and more. The exact way how they speed up the process is still unknown and research is being conducted on it.
SARMs or Steroids?
Steroids are powerful drugs that mostly help to increase muscle density, muscle weight, etc. Unlike SARMs, steroids are powerful drugs that are required in very small quantities and they also tend to have side effects. Although SARMs too have side effects, the side effects they cause are nothing as compared to the side effects caused by steroids.
Earlier, there was another group of chemicals known as pro-hormones that are responsible for similar effects as SARMs and Steroids. Pro-hormones are substances that change the concentration of certain important hormones in our body, thereby causing faster rates of muscle growth.
Pro-hormones are also not as dangerous as steroids because like SARMs they also have lesser known and moderate side effects. So it might be fit to think that pro-hormones can replace SARMs or can be used alternatively but that is not the case.
Although pro-hormones and SARMs have similar side effects, in case of pro-hormones, they generally convert to estrogen after completion of their work cycle. Accumulation of estrogen in the male body can cause female characteristics to develop, such as gynecomastia. In females, excess of estrogen can cause joint pains, irregular ovulation, etc.
So, as far as bodybuilding results are considered SARMs, Steroids and Prohormones have similar effects but in varying intensities. The amount of steroid needed for the same increase in muscle weight is less as compared to SARMs.

Talking about general gym goers, SARMs are way better than steroids because they have milder side effects.
For bodybuilders, though, SARMs can act as a starter mechanism for them. They will need regular doses of steroids and they can use SARMs in between as a bridge between steroid cycles as a way to retain the steroid muscle gains.
Side Effects of SARMs
SARMs have mild to no side effects. Unlike steroids and pro-hormones, they are safer and also deliver what they are used for. Following are a few of the side effects of using SARMs-
- Nausea, Vomiting, Headache (Mild)
- Muscle Pain, Muscle Stiffness (Severe)
- Partial Paralysis if SARM is taken in high quantity with unregulated timings. (Extreme)
SARMs and bodybuilding generally go hand in hand, i.e. Bodybuilders use SARM as an intermediate between their regular steroid cycles. Although these chemical Androgen Modulators are less harmful than steroids, they do not produce as good results as steroids and thus bodybuilders use them only as intermediates.
Following are a few other professions where SARMs are used:
Gym Goers
Regular gym goers who do not need a lot of muscle to show, generally use these supplements to enhance their effect on the body. It is important to note that gym goers can and should only stick to SARMs and not use steroids. This is because steroids do have some nasty potential side effects that lightweight people will not be able to handle.
Thus SARMS are the best choice for people who use gyms only to stay fit and build some muscle.

Those who require endurance and speed boosts use specially modified androgen modulators that help them in the cause.
SARMs have mild side effects and are very effective. One added benefit that comes with using SARMs for athletes is that, since these chemicals bind with the cytoplasm and stay there for a long time, they are generally very hard to detect in blood tests which are conducted before competition (sports at the highest levels will have better drug testing protocols which will detect SARMs).
One other use of these supplements is by professional cyclists. Pro-cyclists have been known to use SARMs to help boost endurance.
Other Sports
SARMs are also banned in various sports like Football, Cricket, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, etc for increasing general efficiency, endurance and robustness.
It is important to note that in most of the above cases, using SARMs or any other such chemicals that help to build muscle, boost endurance or in any way change the chemical nature of the body is forbidden. Yet these chemicals find a lot of use in these events and sports.
Be aware!
SARMs are mostly still being researched and hence there is no government body responsible for actual control and elimination of such chemicals.
Since these are still research drugs, there are a lot of companies that sell adulterated drugs that are more dangerous than genuine ones. This is why it is important to buy and use SARMs from a trusted vendor and not from the first shop that you see. Do some research before buying.
There are a lot of companies that sell food supplements adulterated with such androgen modulating compounds and thus sometimes they work better than expected.
These adulterated supplements are very hard to detect because in most cases the ingredients column do not show the presence of any such chemical that can resemble a SARM.
The reviews that they get are better initially, which drives the market for a little time. You do at times read about a professional sports person claiming the failed a drugs test due to a tainted supplement. This is someonthing that does actually happen because of the reason above.
What Are The Best SARMs?
As already stated above, SARMs are used for various purposes. Some of the best SARMs in the market that come with mild to no side-effects are-
- Cardarine – is a very strong drug that helps in reducing fat while retaining muscle density and muscle weight. The recommended dosage pattern is 15-20 mg per day with meals once a day and 30-45 minutes before an intense workout. This cycle should continue for 8-12 weeks. Learn more here.
- Andarine (S4) – is probably the most popular and sought after androgen modulating supplement in the current market. S4 is a widely used SARM that has very slight side effects and helps not only in cutting down of fat but also helps in the building of muscle. The recommended dosage is 50mg per day split into two doses of 25mg each during the morning and evening hours with at least a 12-hour gap between them. The cycle should continue for 8 -12 weeks.
- A stack of LGD–4033 and RAD140 help in bulking of muscle mass and density. This mixture is one of the most used SARM combos by gym goers. An equal dosage of 10mg a day for about 8 weeks will help in gaining muscle mass and muscle density. Find out more about RAF140 here
It is best to stick to natural supplements, a good diet and lifting weights for building muscle. But for anyone who must use SARMs to help them on this road, do so by buying from reputed stores and respected vendors.

Best site injection areas for injectable steroids
Wed, 14 Dec 2016 08:49:22 +0000
<![CDATA[Steroids come in all shapes and sizes but injectables are often the gentlest on the body and the easiest to tolerate, despite the more challenging route of administration. Quite aside from the effects of the steroids themselves, you’ll also need to consider whereabouts you plan on injecting as some sites are preferable to others. Here’s a quick look at the difference between subcutaneous and intramuscular, along with everything you need to know. Injecting intramuscularly (IM) For the most part, steroids are designed to be injected intramuscularly and there’s a wide range of sites to choose from. Most can hold between 3-5cc of fluid without too much of a problem but you should rotate the muscles used so that ideally you don’t inject any one area more than once in 7-10 days. The buttocks The gluten are a big hit with many users because the muscle is one of the biggest in the body, with scant nerve endings. These two factors combined make it one of the best sites to use. You’ll need to aim for the upper, outer part of your buttocks as you’ll find that not only is this less painful...
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