Site Injection comment by Mick Hart


New member
***This is NOT my writing, author is Mick Hart***


Wednesday, November 19, 2003

* Site Injecting

I get lots of questions about this and will therefore put an
article in the No Bull about it soon; only a small one
because it is such a load of bollocks if you are doing it in
the first place.

Let me explain a little for those that disagree with me.

With site injecting you inject into your arms to try and
make them bigger - yes? And then you inject into your legs
to make them bigger also - yes?

Then why the fuck have I not got an arse cheek that sticks
out a metre from my lower back?

Think about that one and tell me after all these years of
training and taking gear WHY my butt is not bigger than the
rest of my body!

Think about it now and tell me if site injecting works AND
is it worth the pain of sticking a size 23g into an area
PACKED with veins.

If you do that YOU are an arse HOLE to start with. BUT, as
ever, if you disagree - send in your letters and I will give
an honest reply - honest!

Train Hard,

- Mick Hart.
Founder of Mick Hart Training Systems and
the No Bull Collection Magazine.
Since this little tidbit is based solely on anecdotal experience from a single person, maybe I should throw mine in. By the way, who needs scientific evidence or even a slight hint biochemical fundamental science. The fact of the matter is that esterfied steroids do have a small amount of localized activity. Roughly 3 percent of the ester is cleaved off locally. Now a little math. this may have been a little difficult for this scientific guru. 3% of 1000 is 30. So 30mgs a week are going directly to the tissue injected, no where else, the rest of the circulating hormone is dispersed systemically. Now on average the normal male produces 7mg of test a day or 49 a week. So in this case 60% of what is normally produced in an entire week is going directly to one muscle preferentially.
As for me, my ass was huge when that was the only place I injected. Since I have completely stopped, my ass has gotten much smaller. Who needs science or reason when you have gurus
site injections work. I got my arms to grow a full 1'' by site injecting them. And this was at the end of a cycle. Im set in my ways.... Later
HAHAH thompson, i like your response it's funny as hell, its also accurate as well. In my expericane the older men i train with have all seen LARGE benifits to doing site injections on top the generall ones, of course the benifit you get would definatly relate to the type of roid you use in that site injection.

I agree with you guys
I feel that site injections on my outer quad right near the knee has really brought out my outer thigh sweep.
I agree that site injections bring added benefits to local area as well.

Apparently I have to state my point of view when I post