Skin care while on a cycle


What do you guys do for skin care while you are on especially if you are having some acne side effects? This is the first time I would say this has been a side effect for me. I have always had oily skin but I really need to take care of my skin to keep this from getting out of control. Really it is only happening on my lower back where I sweat a lot. So what do you guys use product wise that has helped you?
Benzalclean. Great I have shitty skin but I've used this helps. Also doxycycline. I've got rocecea also. Flares up like a mf when on Tren. Only help I get is from benzaclean for face. I ant taking no fucking acutane. Shit is wicked on the joints.
a simple thing that I did, that helped some, was using bar soap. kept my skin dry.

I second this. My girlfriend gets custom soap that contains tea tree oil from a soap maker and it works pretty good for keeping my skin clear and dry. Not that I'm on a ton of stuff, but the super dmz was causing some acne initially and this definitely helped.