Skinny frame needs steroid help


New member
looking to do my first steroid cycle I’m 24 years old and I’m 170 pounds and six foot one
I’ve been eating around 3300 calories a day and I’ll increase it on this cycle my appetite is definitely a challenge but I try to eat more and more calories
oh was thinking of doing a testosterone cycle and then using an oral with it.
My plan is 500mgs of sustanon and maybe either dbol or oral tren on top of that. Good plan or should I change things?
you are way too young to be using steroid... this is a huge mistake, not to mention you are even bringing up tren?? you need to take a million steps backwards before you make a life altering decision in the worst way possible...
looking to do my first steroid cycle I’m 24 years old and I’m 170 pounds and six foot one
I’ve been eating around 3300 calories a day and I’ll increase it on this cycle my appetite is definitely a challenge but I try to eat more and more calories
oh was thinking of doing a testosterone cycle and then using an oral with it.
My plan is 500mgs of sustanon and maybe either dbol or oral tren on top of that. Good plan or should I change things?
you can do test cycle but 200mgs test with 20mgs dbol and n2guard go slow