Iron Game

Gold Member
Don't let it happen to you! Many guys work so hard doing everything they can to build muscle and then let their weight training programs fail because they don't get adequate sleep. What is adequate sleep? This will vary by individual, but most likely you will need seven or more hours of solid sleep to be fully rested. If you are waking up with the help of an alarm (even worse, hitting the snooze button a dozen times), you aren't getting enough sleep.

There are numerous general health benefits that can be obtained from simply getting a good night's sleep. A big one is better cardiovascular health - sleep deprivation has been linked to a hardening of the arteries.

The importance of sleep is amplified for the person trying to gain muscle mass. Your body needs this rest to repair and rebuild the muscle that your workouts have broken down. Sleep plays an important role in, testosterone production, protein synthesis and the release of growth hormone.

Simply put, your muscles won't grow without enough sleep.

So...get your sleep. Taper off your water intake in the hours leading up to bedtime (don't want to be getting up all night to pee), make your final meal of the day a smaller one with a small amount of carbohydrates (an overactive digestive system can affect sleep) and avoid strenuous activity for a few hours previous to hitting the pillow. Allow your body and mind time to unwind and sleep will come. If you find yourself laying in bed and can't seem to fall asleep, dont turn on the TV, dont grab your smart phone to play a game, and certainly dont go to the computer! A cooler room helps too. Count sheep? Nawww... who does that? Maybe visualize your body repairing your muscles! Me? I like to be still and take this quiet time to evaluate my day and visualize my future. If you believe in God, this is a good time to talk to him as well.

Ultimately, getting a consistent good night's sleep can be the final piece of the puzzle that catapults your body into a growth mode. Don't overlook it. You'll wake-up more alert, improve your concentration skills, be healthier, stronger and more prepared to give maximum intensity in your next workout.

Thanks for reading! Now get to sleep!
Amen to that, and GOD knows I sure could use more sleep! Hell Im willing to forgo the growing while I sleep, I just need more fucking shut eye man