Slowly breaking in to my contest prep phase


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
Well my state show is about 20 weeks out this weekend...So I have decided to slowly break into my prep...the first 4 weeks will be just cleaning up my diet, and breaking into a habit of eating 6 meals a day, with clean protein, and carbs at each meal...I wont really be counting my protein (although I know I get about 50 grams per meal) and carbs, but just focusing on cleaning up the diet, not cheating (during the week) will be hard and heavy still, with a tad more volume, to really get a crazy pump...I wont start any cardio yet, but probably will do some light treadmill walking (super slow) for 25-30 mins twice to 3 x a week...(just for my heart) ...

Supplements will just be a basic vitmin and minerals, whey protein, and creatine...I wont break into any BCAA's or fat burners yet, until im officaly dieting for the show around 10-12 weeks out (depends on how my body response in the next 6-8 weeks)

If people are interested I probably will have a training, and dieting log on MC like I did for PM for my 09 nationals prep...LMK

I'm VERY interested!! I would appreciate as much info as you are willing to share.
awesome chris.....i've always found your detailed logs/pics very helpful and easy to follow and modify for my own needs.....what show is it and what city? i'm less than 2 hours from dubuque
awesome chris.....i've always found your detailed logs/pics very helpful and easy to follow and modify for my own needs.....what show is it and what city? i'm less than 2 hours from dubuque


the show is Mr.Iowa/Midwest Championships april 16th, 2010...its a pretty competive show, as more and more guys are using this show to get there NQ for Jr.Nats in June...Its in Davenport, Iowa...which is about an hour south of dubuque...
Sounds good man. Where are you starting out right now as far as BF goes?

Well I would guess about 12-14% at 270 ish...I dont honestly know, I can see my abs, and I have lines in my legs, arms, delts, ect, ect...I wouldnt say im fat, but bulked is a good word ...LOL !!! :chicken:
Lots of luck, Chris!! Glad to hear you're feeling great again and getting ready for another season... wish you the best!

By the way, how's your sister in law doing? Is she still competing? Any chance we will actually see you at Jr Nats in 2011? lol
Well I would guess about 12-14% at 270 ish...I dont honestly know, I can see my abs, and I have lines in my legs, arms, delts, ect, ect...I wouldnt say im fat, but bulked is a good word ...LOL !!! :chicken:
LOL at the "bulked"! Sounds like a good place to start though. Are you coming down to be in the heavys or will you be a super heavy?
I think i'm going to have to run a 20 week or so prep also. I like the idea of what you are doing your first 4-6 weeks. Very interested in your results as time goes on. I'll be prepping starting sometime in Jan. for a late May show.
LOL at the "bulked"! Sounds like a good place to start though. Are you coming down to be in the heavys or will you be a super heavy?
I think i'm going to have to run a 20 week or so prep also. I like the idea of what you are doing your first 4-6 weeks. Very interested in your results as time goes on. I'll be prepping starting sometime in Jan. for a late May show.

Well it takes me a good month to get in the mindset of dieting and eating clean again...the first month I'll probably cheat here and there...
Just read all this.

Q. Is there anything you plan on doing different this time preping for a show, or do you feel that just having to get bigger in the off-season was the main goal?
biggest thing this offseason is that im going to use carbs in my diet this year...I plan on doing more of a carb cycling diet as to a keto diet...

also im going to do my own diet this for training, it will be pretty much the same....high intensity, moderate volume, train 5-6 days a week...
Just read all this.

Q. Is there anything you plan on doing different this time preping for a show, or do you feel that just having to get bigger in the off-season was the main goal?

Personaly if you want my 2cents, I think chris should do everything the same and do think his main objective was and is to just pack on size this time, and shouldnt change anything else as he sure as shit dials it in damn near perfect, and im pretty sure he stated his objective was one thing, pack on size after the last show, if om not mistaken
Well my state show is about 20 weeks out this weekend...So I have decided to slowly break into my prep...the first 4 weeks will be just cleaning up my diet, and breaking into a habit of eating 6 meals a day, with clean protein, and carbs at each meal...I wont really be counting my protein (although I know I get about 50 grams per meal) and carbs, but just focusing on cleaning up the diet, not cheating (during the week) will be hard and heavy still, with a tad more volume, to really get a crazy pump...I wont start any cardio yet, but probably will do some light treadmill walking (super slow) for 25-30 mins twice to 3 x a week...(just for my heart) ...

Supplements will just be a basic vitmin and minerals, whey protein, and creatine...I wont break into any BCAA's or fat burners yet, until im officaly dieting for the show around 10-12 weeks out (depends on how my body response in the next 6-8 weeks)

If people are interested I probably will have a training, and dieting log on MC like I did for PM for my 09 nationals prep...LMK

Absolutly bro! You come in so crispy and clean that your log would be great for anyone to look to for advice
+1 more on the log.
seeing all the little details in logs is what really helps alot of us 'less advanced' guys.