So tired


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
So, I'm at work. I didn't get a single minute of sleep before work tonight, and I"m here til 730am. I am already bobbing my head. I can't hold out much longer! Save me!!
Looks like you work the graveyard shift. That is tough on the body. You have 2 choices, caffeine pills to stay awake or take something to help you get to sleep before you go to work. There is an excellent product called ZZZquil. Made by Nyquil. It has a chemical in it called diphenhydramine. It is kind of expensive, but Wall Mart makes a generic version, 8 capsules for 88 cents. There is another brand called Compoz that has the same chemical in it. In all of them the dosage is 50 mg. Of course the best option is to get off the graveyard shift.
I worked that shift for a short time many years ago... I got so sick I thought I was going to die. My brother on the other hand refusing to work anything but the midnight shift. Good luck Bro.
Looks like you work the graveyard shift. That is tough on the body. You have 2 choices, caffeine pills to stay awake or take something to help you get to sleep before you go to work. There is an excellent product called ZZZquil. Made by Nyquil. It has a chemical in it called diphenhydramine. It is kind of expensive, but Wall Mart makes a generic version, 8 capsules for 88 cents. There is another brand called Compoz that has the same chemical in it. In all of them the dosage is 50 mg. Of course the best option is to get off the graveyard shift.

Good info I was gonna suggest ephedrine!
I usually do pretty good. But some nights i just dont have a chance to sleep before shift. Last night was one of those nights. I just downed a crap ton of coffee even tho i hate it.

I love midnight shifts at the ER. So much more of a family atmosphere.
I usually do pretty good. But some nights i just dont have a chance to sleep before shift. Last night was one of those nights. I just downed a crap ton of coffee even tho i hate it.

I love midnight shifts at the ER. So much more of a family atmosphere.
I did many overnight shifts at the hospital. It seems like its all or nothing. You don't see more than 1 or 2 people all night or its like a World Series game.
Lol thats the truth. Last night was brutal. My er only has kne doc and 4 nurses at night. Throw in a STEMI and a cardiac arrest, and the night instantly sucks. Lol
lol, its not a bad night. Pretty busy, but i'm the triage nurse at night, so I kinda get it easy (obviously, since i'm on here, lol). I just had zero sleep before I came in tonight, so I am crazy tired already. and i have 6 more hours to go.
Good luck, man! I remember being young and able to pull that stuff off, but as i get ilder, it gets harder and harder to function thst way. LOL.

Do you have sleep issues, or just no time to relax?
I just don't have time during the weekend. I get sleep during the week, bc my kids are at school, but on the weekends when I have them, i don't get to sleep.
Bro I'm an insominac from long ago, I have a friend get me some seroquel which is a hard core anti-physicotic (sp) drug that could put to sleep a speed addict after a 25 white crosses. I literally gnaw on a 200 mg tablet, maybe the size of 2 pinheads and I'm out like a light. And yes caffeine is a huge boost....until the crash.

Good luck Bro, hope you make it thru