Soreness on top of shoulder...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I've injured my rotator cuffs in the past, but I now have a slight tenderness in the top of my delt more towards the rear delt after doing heavy bench today. Anyone ever have this happen? I quit doing bench afterwards and tried just doing some burn outs with pushups and they were even a bit hard to do. I don't know what this could be as the location of the pain is a new one on me
That sounds like the pain that I have in my right shoulder now. I have no clue how it happen. But it hurts when I bench.
sometimes slow worm up will get you thru workout. As you get older its always something. lol start getting used to it.
Usually its my front delts, kind of weird in that area. hopefully will be temparary.
never do flat bar with any real weight, dumb bells!

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also warm up shoulders for every chest day
I always warm up my rotator cuffs before chest and shoulder days. The location of his pain is strange
deep pain in the posterior shoulder could be your teres. if that's the case just rest it. not much you can do other then leave it alone for a while and don't keep fucking with it
deep pain in the posterior shoulder could be your teres. if that's the case just rest it. not much you can do other then leave it alone for a while and don't keep fucking with it

But that's easier said than done bro. Lol
I've been fighting through it, it hurts, but I just eat some ibuprofen and use icy hot and go about my business. I hate taking time off and it's not bad enough for me to condone taking time off. I know that sounds like a typical jackass, but if it was really hindering me I'd definitely take the time off.
I like when people use the word jackass, 2 thumbs up. Be careful though man, surgeries suck, and shoulder surgeries blow rhino dick
Thanks man, I started icing it at night when I'm about to fall asleep and it feels a little better