SPE Columns, Flash Columns and HPLC Columns

SPE//Flash is used in the pretreatment of the sample to be analyzed. It can be understood that the salt is separated from the sugar, and a separate pretreatment solution of the sugar is obtained. The HPLC column was then used to separate glucose, maltose, and sucrose from the sugars in an HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatograph) instrument. It should be noted here that the properties of salt and sugar are very different, so they are well separated, but glucose, maltose and sucrose in sugar are very similar in nature. It is more difficult to separate. Therefore, the separation capacity of the HPLC column is required to be much larger than that of SPE/FLASH. This is why the HPLC column stationary phase is more demanding and more expensive.
What is the difference between SPE Columns, Flash Columns and HPLC Columns? Why HPLC cost more than SPE and flash?