sr9009 along with ostarine mk2866


New member
5’9” and I’m around 185 lbs and 14 or 15% body fat
ostarine mk2866 is a good sarm. I’ve used it before nad had good results
this time I want to stack it with something else. Gonna try SR with it. Never used SR, not a fan of SR and the first time I saw a video on youtube about it I didn’t like the guys physique. But sometimes in life you need to experiment and I get that.
How much sr9009 do you recommend that I use with 25mgs of ostarine? Goal is recomping.
5’9” and I’m around 185 lbs and 14 or 15% body fat
ostarine mk2866 is a good sarm. I’ve used it before nad had good results
this time I want to stack it with something else. Gonna try SR with it. Never used SR, not a fan of SR and the first time I saw a video on youtube about it I didn’t like the guys physique. But sometimes in life you need to experiment and I get that.
How much sr9009 do you recommend that I use with 25mgs of ostarine? Goal is recomping.
sr should be 20mgs and mk should be 25mgs with n2guard 5 caps