Stacking gear ? what do you like to do ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
When in offseason mode, do you guys keep it simple on your gear ? What I mean is do you run just two compounds like test, and deca or test and dbol...Or do you run a few different compounds like this...

oral - dbol or anadrol or both
gh with slin or Igf...

now overall dose might be high, but you would run moderate doses of all compounds like, test at 500mg, deca at 300mg,eq at 300mg, dbol 30mg and anadrol at 50mg per day. It seems to be something more and more guys are doing, (running alot of different compounds) than the simple test, deca and dbol cycle....I know now, guys like to run stuff that is normally only used during contest prep...Like test prop, masteron, tren ace, and anavar...with a few more items to top it off...

this seems to be the normal thing now, then a few years ago. But, there are more choices now, and seems to be normal to run 6-8 items, than the simple 2 or 3 compounds...
I would recommend to anyone to keep it as simple as you can for asking as you can. I personally have never done an oral and never stacked more than two thing in the offseason.
i've actually been thinking about this same thing as i am stocking up for a winter bulk with a spring cut. hoping to run all of these at once and i'll be on the low end as i have been natty for the past 3 years. I'm going to post what I'm currently throwing around and I'd love some feedback on it if you all have any. Thanks in advance

Weeks 1-10 --> Deca 400, Test cyp or enth 600, dbol 30mg/day, A-dex 0.25mg/day, HCG 400IU q5 days

Week 1 --> Test prop 150mg EOD, Masteron 100mg EOD, Winny 50mg/day
Week 2 --> Test prop 150mg EOD, Masteron 100mg EOD, Winny 50mg/day, Clen 40mcg EOD
Week 3 --> same as week 2
Week 4 --> same as week 2
Week 5 --> same as week 2
Week 6 --> Test prop 150mg EOD, Tren 75mg EOD, Winny 50mg/day, Clen 40mcg 5days on 2 days off
Week 7 --> same as week 6
Week 8 --> same as week 6 except Clen goes to 50 mcg EOD
Week 9 --> same as week 8
Week 10 --> same as week 8

I'll have pct in there and will be running liv tabs throughout the cutter as well as HCG intermittently throughout the bulker. It's a work in progress so any help or advice is appreciated.

I've stacked many items, but I'm thinking of going back to keeping it simple and strictly running test and deca to see what happens
Stacking these 3 is a great cycle in my opinion

tren ace

I agree in prep mode these 3 items are awesome, maybe add in some masteron..(if you can aford it) and some hgh, an anti estrogen...and your good to go...
yeah ive never used masteron but hear its great stacked with these compounds
My buddy is going to run

Week 1-16 Test E 750mg EW
Week 1-12 Decca 200mg EW
Week 1-4 Dbol 25mg ed

I told him the decca he may as well run it at 300mg.

After the 16 weeks he is going to go to run test throughout at 400mg a week.
off season I would say keep it simple, but like presser said, Im a fan of Tren in the off season.
I like Test e and Tren e with an oral and some peptides, it always brings some great strength and decent looking size too.