Actually, there's really nothing saying you can't start with low or high dose, and I'm not saying you can't get back on after 4 months. If that's how you want to run it, do it. As far as 4 months, I'm only saying your body may recognize a cycle faster than you think. I'd really be more concerned with the dose coming back on after the break.
My basis for what may be better is this: Consider the half-life of what you're shooting and how long it takes to build to peak. This obviously differs depending on what ester you choose. If you start with a low dose with regular test cyp or test enanthate, your half-life is approximately 7 days, can be 7-10 depending on how you react, but 7 is the norm. So lets take 200mg for example. In a week, it's halved and you take the next dose, and so on. It will take you far longer to get to peak levels that way, not to mention your peak will be smaller. Taking a high dose say 1G of test cyp/e right from the beginning is going to be overkill. You've hit the peak level from the beginning though it will still take a 2-3 weeks for your body to catch up (saturation), and taking huge doses doesn't speed up the process. Your body can only handle so much at once so you've wasted a whole lot of testosterone that probably won't be used. You're doing test only so there's only so much growth response you can get out of it. Sticking with a moderate dose stays more in line with how much your body can handle, the half-life, and how much time it takes to be at peak levels. I'd venture to say that there's a sweet spot, and it will differ for every person, but it's definitely in a mid-range dose.