Started MC IGF again...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Damn I love this stuff and I couldn't be happier with it. I applied it to my chest today before training and I'm still feeling it and I've been outta the gym for over 2 hours. If you haven't tried this yet, you have no idea what you're missing
Never tried this stuff before how expensive is it & do you have cycle on & off with it?

yeah bro like anything else you have to stop it after a while, i stay on it for a 3 month periods, you will guys sware up and down that it has to be run 4 weeks at a time then take off but i have found my best gains come at week 7 and up. Although shorter cycles are fine as you will defiantly feel it working right away
yeah bro like anything else you have to stop it after a while, i stay on it for a 3 month periods, you will guys sware up and down that it has to be run 4 weeks at a time then take off but i have found my best gains come at week 7 and up. Although shorter cycles are fine as you will defiantly feel it working right away

I'm the same way, 3 on and 2 off this time, but would normally only go 1 off. I saw tremendous gains around 6-7 week mark, really brought up weak points and I never needed to do cardio as my BF dropped nicely
Is it worth the money or is it better to stick to AAS

Well its nothing like steroids brutha! But its Good quality gains that you kep, and the best part is its legal. So it all depends on where your at in ur training and what ur trying to acomplish
Is it worth the money or is it better to stick to AAS

It is very good for bringing up weak parts or to aid in injury recovery. I used it back toward the beginning of the year to get over a shoulder injury and it really helped. I was benching 240 pain free in no time.
I did 2 months on 1 off, now thinking maybe 3 on 2 off, and yeah the fact that its legal! best peace of mind ever