He does swear a lot, but I like that he's no bull and tells it like it is. I will agree that we need to be educated when it comes to choosing to use gear, or PEDs as he calls them.
However, here's my beef with what he says:
With all of the pros who have admitted that they use, they advocate education like Seth does here. I agree it's good to be educated, but there are nuances to the whole thing that they've figured out. We can educate ourselves about the compounds we use, their side effects, the science--whatever--but it is understandably difficult to use them in a way that will help us transform our bodies similar to what they have done. In all their spouting about education, they leave us still to flounder and try to figure out how to connect it all, the training, diet, supplements, and PEDs. This is more a problem for hardgainers than for those who have genetics that allow them to grow just by looking at a barbell. I'd like to challenge Seth to take on someone like myself and transform them into a beast like himself. In fact, take on me. Some learn better by doing things alongside someone who knows and can show them. And I mean everything, including the PEDs.
It's very much like one of my college computer science teachers that obviously knew how to program, but when he taught, he wouldn't show us actual code. He would diagram a picture of a concept and say "read the book--educate yourselves." He was no teacher, and hardly anyone did well in that class. When I hear Seth in that video, this is what I get from him regarding PEDs and the whole picture.