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I wish I would have invested in Google or Yahoo when they first came out

you and me both brutha! You have no idea how many companies i seen start up and get rich over the years! I remember the internet when it was the wild wild west, people think its nuts now lol, no way. Anyhow yeah theres a lot of companies i wish i had of invested in! I remember when i started this site in 1999 , and wasn't shit, and then they sold their site for $134,000,000 lol, and I thought "what the fuck am i doing wrong" lmao!!!
that's what I don't get, why are some site so successful and others do well but not as much?

why did Google get so big versus other search engines like Dogpile or Alta Vista?
that's what I don't get, why are some site so successful and others do well but not as much?

why did Google get so big versus other search engines like Dogpile or Alta Vista?

i always used dogpile and just kept hearing about google, its like a movement it starts out there in cali and just trends across the country and its the "cool" new thing
i always used dogpile and just kept hearing about google, its like a movement it starts out there in cali and just trends across the country and its the "cool" new thing

yeah really that's it, I told my wife that everything starts on the east coast or the west coast and by the time it hits the mid west it's old news

I remember when I was in high school everyone wore No Fear T-shirts-it was the and my buddies laughed because none of them surfed or road skate boards
that's what I don't get, why are some site so successful and others do well but not as much?

why did Google get so big versus other search engines like Dogpile or Alta Vista?

Did you ever see a commercial for Or Alta Vista? Maybe it has to do partly to advertising. Back in the day maybe none of them had money to advertise but I remember I used to like or I just know that google had a better algorithm for their search engine. That's all i know. Different search engines give you different results. Obviously people like there results. And when you advertise woman decide if it's trendy or not. How many of your girlfriends have bought you a north face jacket??? I bet a bunch. Google works and it sounds cute. Therefore women like it. Kids like it. So the father or husband automatically has to like it....