Strange Side Effects


New member
I just started a 12 weeker of
d-bol 40mg/day
Test cyp 600mg/week
Deca 400mg/week
I took first inject and 40 mg of d-bol yesterday, and today woke up with terrible flu like symptoms. Just coencidence (sp) or do I need to worry. Have done this cycle in the past with no problems.
B2S hit the nail on the head, I woke up with some symtoms myself twice in the past 2 months days after upping my dosage... for me they usually present themselves as bad allergies more than flu like symptoms but it's the same thing
Never happened before with similar doses, I guess it could either be that I am going with CYP for the first time or human grade gear and not that vet grade stuff I used in the past.
Yes, it happens a lot with high dosages of cyp. Been there myself. You have to space out the dosage until your body gets used to it.
hey guys, I'm sick right now but it could be the test flu....does it make you throw up as well as give you flu-like symptoms??? I definitely have the other flu symptoms, i.e. body aches, fever, chills, etc...but I don't want to go see a doc if it's b/c of my test. I'm running 300 mg of enth 2x/week and 250 mg. of eq 2x/week. Thanks in advance boys.
if you're having these effects suddenly it could be the actual flu. Are you using UG stuff? If it came on within 12 hours of your last shot I would think it possible but I've had it twice from gear and neither time did I throw up. Both times were like a feverish cold. I took Oregano Oil caps and drops and it knocked it right out. It has excellent antibiotic properties and you can pick it up at any health food store.
i've never actually thrown up from the test flu. But everything else sounds like it. If it is test flu, you'll be over it in a couple days.

How often have you used test before? same level? and is this a new brand?
New brand...but my last shot was on Monday (this is week 5) and I didn't get sick until last night. My daughter had a stomach bug on Saturday last week, but she had no flu like symptoms. I've been pretty sick all night...I think I thrown up 5 or 6 times. I am just treating the symptoms, but I'll go ahead and hold off on going to the doc until plenty of meds to last that long I think. So, well see if it goes away. Thanks guys
that's what I'm going to do...just sucks that I can't work out today...missing a day just pissed me off, especially when I'm on
rehydrating it paramount, I got a bug this past winter and everytime I woke up to throw up I tried to drink a little water but didn't realize I was only just washing my mouth out brushing my teeth, getting a couple of sips and going back to bed each time. When I woke up in the morning I must have been so dehyrated that the room was spinning and I could barely function. I ended up driving myself to the hospital because I was so bad. She prescribed me compazine and as much gatorade as I could drink and I was fine the next day. Amazing how being dehyrated will fuck you up do bad.