Stubborn lower ab fat. Should I try an OTC fat burner?


New member
So I've never tried a fat burner in my life. Good genetics. Always stayed lean. Got down to 10% bf.

im really trying to look the most shredded ever. I'm on test e, tren e, masteron e. Gonna add winny or var the last. 5 weeks. Should I throw an eca stack in and see what it does for me?

how do you guys get shredded? How to fitness models get that low bf

ECA is awesome! I've been on it for about 3 weeks now and I've been getting leaner without any gear. I just added a cut stack yesterday (sust, eq, var to start). I ran ECY (Y=yohimbine) and that was better but I'm not sure what was happening but I was feeling funky for a while. This is my first week without the yohimbine and I like it but ecy was a good start.
If you don't typically take in much caffeine or anything like that an eca stack may not be the best idea in the world. If you handle stimulants well then I'd say definitely give it a go or look into some kind of fat burner. Cyber-Supplementz (a sponsor here) has some good products which have a lot of reviews on here, but if you've never ran any kind of fat burner before then it might be a little advanced for you.

Other than that, the biggest key to being shredded is your diet
If you don't typically take in much caffeine or anything like that an eca stack may not be the best idea in the world. If you handle stimulants well then I'd say definitely give it a go or look into some kind of fat burner. Cyber-Supplementz (a sponsor here) has some good products which have a lot of reviews on here, but if you've never ran any kind of fat burner before then it might be a little advanced for you.

Other than that, the biggest key to being shredded is your diet

Do you have a good diet? I've never tried a burner. Just pre work outs
Ok ok I will. I might try the musclepharm shred matrix since it has a diuretic in it or the Arnold series iron cuts. I'll let you know

You can try a natural diuretic too, vitamin c, caffeine, vitamin b12. This always worked better for me than anything from the big companies, plus it is more of a natural approach so it's a little safer. That's just a thought though.

As for a diet, there is so many things to consider, but like rays said, basically if it comes from the ground, tree or walks, you can eat it and be in good shape
ECA is awesome! I've been on it for about 3 weeks now and I've been getting leaner without any gear. I just added a cut stack yesterday (sust, eq, var to start). I ran ECY (Y=yohimbine) and that was better but I'm not sure what was happening but I was feeling funky for a while. This is my first week without the yohimbine and I like it but ecy was a good start.
Most people including myself can't tolerate high doses of Y for more than two weeks without feeling strange. I do two weeks 20mg ed then back to 10mg for a week and repeat for as long as I'm running Y.
Ok ok I will. I might try the musclepharm shred matrix since it has a diuretic in it or the Arnold series iron cuts. I'll let you know

really bro? your using real legit gear and a real cycle, and your going to go buy some BS OTC fat burner, go get an ECA or aqua-burn and cyto-burn from cyber-supplementz and do it right!
Dandelion root is a diuretic. That's what most of the OTC things use. Its just caffeine and DR. You could just drink coffee and take some DR pills. Go buy something real like aqua burn and cyto burn. Don't waste your money.

Ok ok I will. I might try the musclepharm shred matrix since it has a diuretic in it or the Arnold series iron cuts. I'll let you know
We should make a thread called "The Ultimate Fat Burner Thread." It would be very short and say:

The following are the only things you can take exogenously that are known to burn fat:
1. DNP (not recommended)
2. Clen
3. T3
4. ECA stack (highly recommended)
5. Yohimbine HCL (highly recommended)
6. Combo of 5 and 6 (highly recommended)
7. Massive dosage of certain otc fat burners (like any made by VPX - also not recommended since 5 and 6 are more effective and just as safe).

Other than that, reduce carbs and move more. The end.
How about injectable l-carnitine to your ECA stack tsizzle? I've read it can help too a bit on the site that it is injected. Could be something to look into.

I started a modified "ECA stack" just today. Gonna run it with some ostarine once it arrives.

Finaflex px-500 1 cap 2xd
recreate -1 cap 2xd
ephedrine hcl -25mg 2xd
for about 2 to 4 weeks depends what i see
ostarine -25mg daily
6 to 8 weeks
helios last two weeks maybe

My first burn stack officially ha hope it works as intended..

have helios... If i decide to use it, it would be only ostarine that I stack with it. Likely during the last two weeks of this whole cycle if i feel i need it, it's just I personally can't find lots of user info on the helios itself so kind of skeptical
Same problem... both w/ were my fats at (all lower abs) & that ECA has degraded to where I can fall asleep AFTER using it! I read I'm not the only 1 this happened too. So now I'm on Ipam/CJC and feel great bf is dropping but umm I'm surplus atm. I will do keto again w/ Osta & a fat burner & Formastane b4 jumping on Var/Test/masteron/ & maybe Tren.
How about injectable l-carnitine to your ECA stack tsizzle? I've read it can help too a bit on the site that it is injected. Could be something to look into.

I started a modified "ECA stack" just today. Gonna run it with some ostarine once it arrives.

Finaflex px-500 1 cap 2xd
recreate -1 cap 2xd
ephedrine hcl -25mg 2xd
for about 2 to 4 weeks depends what i see
ostarine -25mg daily
6 to 8 weeks
helios last two weeks maybe

My first burn stack officially ha hope it works as intended..

have helios... If i decide to use it, it would be only ostarine that I stack with it. Likely during the last two weeks of this whole cycle if i feel i need it, it's just I personally can't find lots of user info on the helios itself so kind of skeptical

never heard of injectable carnitine. Would have to look into it.

And I don't know much about peptides. Is that the new thing when it comes to fat burning?