[FONT="][h=1]<center style="box-sizing: border-box;">
</center>[/h]Testosterone replacement Therapy or Hormone replacement therapy doctors will generally advocate for Subcutaneous Injections.
But which is best, I.M. or Subq
Testosterone cypionate is the hands down winner of any testosterone therapy out there and hands down favorite among MuscleChemistry TRT prescribed members . Test Cyp is predictable, easy injection schedules, and it doesn't take a rocket scientists to load a syringe and needle with, although sometimes i do wonder with the types of questions we get here! As we like to say here "No question is a dumb question" but some arent thought through so well prior to posting. lol
Is Subcutaneous Better Than Intra Muscular Testosterone Injections. I am an old school bodybuilder, but more importantly i am a creature of habit, so for me, the answer is an easy one, I.M. is the way to go. Though You can find many studies, and twice as many TRT HRT doctors claiming that SubQ testosterone injections has more benefits than sticking your muscles. One which you might have thought of right away is the benefit of less scar tissue which builds up quite easily with enough injections into the muscle.
If your like me, and have been taking anabolic steroids or testosterone for many years, then you might have experienced that occasional SQUEEKING sounds when the needle enters an area of scar tissue in the muscle. lol. First time this happened to me, i will admit I got kinda weak in the knees, and couldnt believe that sound was from the friction between the pin and my glutes scar tissue. But after a while, i got so use to it, i would pull the needle in and out repeatedly to the sound of a show tune , lmao, Yes I am kidding
So, where are the best places to inject testosterone subcutaenous
1) Front stomach abdominal area
[FONT="]2) Sides of belly aka Love Handle region
3) The Ass, although i find it hard to believe that may men have enough fat on their ass to inject subq
What is Subcutaneous:
The fatty area below the skin or between the muscle and the top layer of your skin. For bodybuilders, you will know this area to be "the spill over area" where we try our best to keep water from this area, which smoothes us over with that flat no definition look!
What size needles:
5/16 or 1/2 inch.
[FONT="]c) Buttocks. Some men with very low body fat will find that the last place they can find enough fat to inject is in the gluts. You have to be uber careful to inject more towards your sides just to be sure you avoid the sciatic nerve. I don't see many guys injecting here, but a few have.
CAUTION: Always go with recommendations given by your healthcare provider.
I DON'T THINK SO? Delt and Quad. Some guys have injected subQ into their glut (shouder) and quad (thigh) supposedly. This is fine as long as there is really enough fat there. A lot of men probably don't have enough fat, though, and should use one of the more obvious injection sites if they truly want to be subQ.
</center>[/h]Testosterone replacement Therapy or Hormone replacement therapy doctors will generally advocate for Subcutaneous Injections.
But which is best, I.M. or Subq
Testosterone cypionate is the hands down winner of any testosterone therapy out there and hands down favorite among MuscleChemistry TRT prescribed members . Test Cyp is predictable, easy injection schedules, and it doesn't take a rocket scientists to load a syringe and needle with, although sometimes i do wonder with the types of questions we get here! As we like to say here "No question is a dumb question" but some arent thought through so well prior to posting. lol
Is Subcutaneous Better Than Intra Muscular Testosterone Injections. I am an old school bodybuilder, but more importantly i am a creature of habit, so for me, the answer is an easy one, I.M. is the way to go. Though You can find many studies, and twice as many TRT HRT doctors claiming that SubQ testosterone injections has more benefits than sticking your muscles. One which you might have thought of right away is the benefit of less scar tissue which builds up quite easily with enough injections into the muscle.
If your like me, and have been taking anabolic steroids or testosterone for many years, then you might have experienced that occasional SQUEEKING sounds when the needle enters an area of scar tissue in the muscle. lol. First time this happened to me, i will admit I got kinda weak in the knees, and couldnt believe that sound was from the friction between the pin and my glutes scar tissue. But after a while, i got so use to it, i would pull the needle in and out repeatedly to the sound of a show tune , lmao, Yes I am kidding
So, where are the best places to inject testosterone subcutaenous
1) Front stomach abdominal area
[FONT="]2) Sides of belly aka Love Handle region
3) The Ass, although i find it hard to believe that may men have enough fat on their ass to inject subq
What is Subcutaneous:
The fatty area below the skin or between the muscle and the top layer of your skin. For bodybuilders, you will know this area to be "the spill over area" where we try our best to keep water from this area, which smoothes us over with that flat no definition look!
What size needles:
5/16 or 1/2 inch.
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[FONT="]c) Buttocks. Some men with very low body fat will find that the last place they can find enough fat to inject is in the gluts. You have to be uber careful to inject more towards your sides just to be sure you avoid the sciatic nerve. I don't see many guys injecting here, but a few have.
CAUTION: Always go with recommendations given by your healthcare provider.
I DON'T THINK SO? Delt and Quad. Some guys have injected subQ into their glut (shouder) and quad (thigh) supposedly. This is fine as long as there is really enough fat there. A lot of men probably don't have enough fat, though, and should use one of the more obvious injection sites if they truly want to be subQ.