Summer cycle guys?

first time trying ECY stack with yombine. im on good ol'e TRT but maybe try to reverse gyno again with letrozole in couple weeks gonna try and get nolva bloat while its buy one get one free. actually im going to talk with a guy in gym see if he will go in with me on some IGF never done it before and looking forward to it.
first time trying ECY stack with yombine. im on good ol'e TRT but maybe try to reverse gyno again with letrozole in couple weeks gonna try and get nolva bloat while its buy one get one free. actually im going to talk with a guy in gym see if he will go in with me on some IGF never done it before and looking forward to it.

I have tryed the yohimbe but it made my face beat red and real hot, i hated it, but i know many guys who love using it like ur doing so best of luck with it brutha

And you will ove the IGF-1 brutha, especialy since youve never used it before! Between that and your ECY stack you should realy harden up nice
I have tryed the yohimbe but it made my face beat red and real hot, i hated it, but i know many guys who love using it like ur doing so best of luck with it brutha

And you will ove the IGF-1 brutha, especialy since youve never used it before! Between that and your ECY stack you should realy harden up nice

This is NO LIE!!! My wife and are both first timers (been using it since Jan. and the wife since March) it's made the most dramatic changes in our physiques.

I wouldn't really call it a "summer cycle" but test e and deca for me with a M1-T kick start for the first 4 weeks.